Princess Needs

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She then placed the wallet in a little gift box. Then put it away until it was time to have fun.  She went to the yard, to play on the swing.  When she heard a voice that made her just think.  "You stole, you were wrong. Girl you know that's the truth."  

Then on the other side, then another voice said, "Take what you want. Don't you listen to him, He's a goodie two shoes, his truth, are just lies.  Take what you want, for you are a princess, everything in this kingdom, do belong to me.

As she looked around, her eyes opened so wide.  She saw a small Angel sitting by her side. Then she turned her head to the right, and what did she see, a tiny little devil, poking her on the knee.  With a pitchfork, he was the devil indeed.

"Am I seeing things, I must be hungry that's it.  There's a small little devil stabbing me in my knee, while an Angel is preaching, telling me right from wrong.  I'm losing my mind, Is it real, is it fake.  I must pinch myself make sure I'm awake.

Princess Lora looked and around, as muttered and spoke, hoping they vanished and leave her alone.  

"I have to help you correct your mistake.  Take that wallet back, it's not yours, that you know and do say you're sorry for what you just stole." the Angel whispered as he gives her a smile.  "Be a good girl, and go do that right now."

Lora pinch herself once again, but the tiny little Angel, wouldn't get out her face.  Then out of nowhere, the tiny devil appeared.  "Go mind your business, you're not wanted here.  Lora is my buddy, she steals just like me.  When she leaves this earth she'll sleep right by me."

"Oh, no I won't!  What are you saying?  I'm not going anywhere, don't you know. I'm just a little girl, doesn't it shows?  

Please go away, you scaring me man, I don't want to burn in no hell's fire. Go away, little devil, it's not you I would follow. The red on your skin scares me just like the fire."

Lora gets up to leave, as she heads to the door.  The little devil blocked the exit you see, "You stole, you know it, now you belong to me!"  The little devil screamed as he ran, getting in her way every chance that he had.

Then suddenly the Angel flew across the room, smacking the devil for being so rude.  He fell to the ground hitting his head on the wall.  He was quiet, you know, for he was coldly knocked out.  

"Look at you, the bad wolf, on the ground knocked out cold.  That evil thing you said, are taking their toll.  Princess Lora, my child, do listen to me.  Don't listen to him, his evil you know.  He gets you in trouble everywhere that you go.  Be a good girl, do only good deeds, and someday you really see what paradise is."   

The Angel whispered as he checks on his friends, who still hasn't awaken, from his sudden cold sleep.  "Go, now little girl.  Return the wallet you stole.  I'm pretty sure, you will find what you need, a gift from your heart is what your father does need." he whispered and flew to tied red right up.  But when he looked again, the devil was gone.

Lora ran out the bedroom confuse.  Was this all a dream, am I losing my cool.  The devil wants to take me away, far away.   The angel wants to save me from it, I must say.  What should I do, right now I don't know?  I do need the wallet, although I stole, the one that my father owns it's so, so, so old.  What to do? What to do? I must ask myself.   Take the wallet back, or whine up in hell."

The Princess whispered as she went into her room.  Took out the wallet, admired it for a while.  Then she felt something come over her heart, a feeling of guilt, which made her feel sad.  The Princess was now feeling very guilty, indeed.

She kept quiet for quite a long while. "What to do, so confuse, must find a way out. My father doesn't need anything from me.  He is a King, who has everything he needs.  I'm so confused and afraid I must say, I do like the Angel, but the devil my friend, must differently go away."

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