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Chapter Eight: 

I raised my arms dramatically in the air yawning. We had just finished Love Actually which was my favourite Christmas film and David was able to convince his family to let me watch it. Probably had something to do with the fact my family has disowned me but I didn't care right at this moment.

"Time for bed?" He asked mumbling into my shoulder. His parents had gone to bed half way through the film and we had snuggled in closer so his arm was around me and I was lying on his chest.

"Well I'm going to bed now you lovebirds. Keep your evening activities down would you?" Karen asked getting up and heading for the stairs, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," we chorused back.

"Ugh bed is so far away but I want to sleep," I moaned half heartedly.

"C'mon we will fix that," He said in his adorable sleepy Scottish accent.

"Hey what are you doing?" I screamed as he lifted me up in the air and carried me upstairs.

"Giving you a lift," He replied laughing. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and held on even if I was afraid of being carried due to all of the times my friends and family had picked me up and dropped me. Though I was never going to say no to David Tennant carrying me to bed. He dropped me lightly on the bed and I leant up to kiss him.

"Thank you," I whispered gratefully, "Today has been amazing." He kissed me back hungrily and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He gently pushed me back onto the bed and continued to kiss me, his arms wandering up and down the side of mine and along my cheeks. I rolled him over and got up. "Not right now," I whispered heading to the bathroom and laughing at his dejected puppy face. "I'll be back, love."

I shut the bathroom door softly behind me and stared at my face in the mirror. I was horrible at this kind of commitment. I attempted to tell myself I didn't want to because his parents were in the same house though I knew that wasn't the entire reason. We had only just met and he would respect the fact that I wouldn't want to go any further I told myself as I quickly brushed my teeth and cleaned off my makeup. I picked my pyjamas off the floor and put them on. They were Christmas themed with little reindeer on them, I thought they were adorable but Macy had given me a look when I tried them on. Sadly they were the only clean pyjamas I had at the minute so they would have to do. At least they were in season. I wandered back out of the bathroom to find David lying on the bed in blue striped pyjamas.

"You alright?" He asked caringly. I almost melted at his tone of voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, do you need to use the bathroom?"

"Nah, I went downstairs." I blushed because of the inconvenience I had caused. He gazed at me and shook his head. "Come here you silly egg," He whispered affectionately. I climbed into bed allowing him to wrap his arms gently around me. I snuggled in closer and lay my head on his chest.

"Goodnight David," I mumbled sleepily.

"Goodnight Love."


I awoke to find it was four in the morning and I desperately needed to go to the loo and get a drink of water. I stumbled out of David's bed smiling. He looked so cute with his hair all mushed up in the air. I quietly went to the toilet then snuck downstairs to get a glass of water. I was filling the glass up when someone behind me cleared their throat. I jumped and spun around to find David's mother behind me.

"Hello Mrs McDonald, did I wake you?"

"No dearie, and please call me Helen," She replied with a warm smile.

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