Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Lucy Heartfillia has some kind of thing with Natsu Dragneel!"

"What?! No way! How'd she get to talk to him?"

"I think he paid her to sleep with her."


"Hey! Who do you think you're calling a whore?! Lucy ain't no whore so you better watch your mouth if you know what good for ya!" Cana yelled at the two students who were gossiping making them scurry off in a hurry. "That's right! Run away you cowards! Run like the pussies you are!"

"Cana stop being so loud and annoying." Levy hissed as she looked around to see if they were attracting anymore necessary attention. Cana whipped her head around to glare at Levy. "Who are you calling loud and annoying?!"

"It's too early for this, Cana, please." Lucy whined as she came trolling in behind her, all three of them making their way to their respected classroom.

Cana merely clicked her tongue in disapproval as she readjusted her strap on her shoulder, flicking her brown hair to the side. "Those fucker think they can go and push you around? Not on my watch!" She scolded making Lucy sigh and smiled softly. "Thanks Cana but really, don't cause more trouble than there already is."

"But really... I kind of want to know, too." Levy piped in making her raise a brow. "Know what?"

"What's going on between you and Natsu."

"E—eh?" Lucy blinked in surprise, looking at the two. "What's going on between us?"

"Yeah," Cana agreed as she leaned in. "From not acknowledging and not knowing about each other's presence to speaking like long-lost friends—what is this?"

Lucy frowned slightly as she tilted her head to the side. She couldn't possibly tell them... Natsu and her had an agreement! She couldn't break such a promise but then again, these two are her best friends since her childhood years. She trusted them with all her heart; they knew her secrets and she knew theirs. It shouldn't be a promise telling two people—

"Alright, I'll tell you but you have to keep it a secret, okay?" She whispered, bringing her voice down to a hush as Cana and Levy leaned in to listen to it. They were back up against some kind of corner as Lucy looked around to see if anyone was listening to looking. When the coast was clear, she took in a deep breath and looked her best friends dead in the eyes. "You know... when I told you about how I was going to live with my mama's friend's family?"


"Well... uh, apparently, Natsu is mama's friend's son... so..."

"Wait," Levy cried out. "Does this mean you and him—?!"

"Yes, shhh! Ah! Somebody might hear—guys, please. Natsu will skin me alive if he finds out I told somebody!"

"You're living with him, Lucy! Oh my god! Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"

"Because I couldn't! Stop being so loud!" Lucy whined and cried out as she looked around to see if anyone was listening. Luckily, nobody was as they just looked like idiots in the corner screaming. "Please don't tell anyone."

"Is the house large?" Levy asked, ignoring her plea as Lucy blinked in confusion. She slowly nodded and agreed, "uh, yeah."

"Is the family nice?"

"Yes, they are."

"Where's the house at?"

Lucy pursed her lips and stared at her friends, wondering why they were asking such questions. Then, it hit her as her eyes widen and she gasped. "You two are trying to come over, aren't you?!" She cried out, failing her arms around as she rejected the idea. "You can't! Absolutely not!" The blonde cried out, making her arms into a large X as Cana and Levy whined. "And why can't we?"

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