lonley no more

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months have gone by and things have been going well for our two lovers.

naruto and sasuke had graduated from high school and both were waiting for September to go to their college.

sasuke at the moment was in his new apartment unpakeing some boxes. he was a little uneasy about leaveing itachi alone (well not alone he had his bf hidan) but he wanted to live on his own and work for himself he didn't want to feel like he was be a spoiled brat liveing off of his trustfund money which was about millions that he wasn't going to touch until he really needed to.

naruto walked in with a few more boxes and then dropped them on the floor.

"that is the last of 'em" he said happy walking over to kiss sasuke.  sasuke moaned a little bit then smiled.

"I'm so happy we r doing this I can't wait to be moved in *sigh* when do you think that we should tell dada and itachi about this? " sasuke sighed yes they were moveing in with eachother but no one knew this.

"I don't know" naruto said unpacking and putting things away.  "I got to go to work will u be ok? " he said and sasuke nodded.

"ill be fine naruto go ahead " sasuke kissed naruto the pushed him out the door. it only took sasuke a few hours to finish unpacking.

"*sigh* now what to do I'm hungry but I'm a little scared to eat anything. I don't know if this stomach thing is over with" sasuke rubbed his  tummy. he has not been feeling well for almost 3 weeks. he was always tired and couldn't eat without throwing up. he was going to the doctors later on today to see what was wrong with him.

"mayb ill take a nap that might help" sasuke walked up the steps to his and naruto's master bedroom in the 4bedroom apartment. 

Sasuke layed down on the bed that he and naruto just set up a few minutes ago. he just layed there then he took off his pants feeling a little confined in them sasuke then pulled the covers to his chin falling asleep in a few seconds.  Sasuke jumped awake by a ringing sound he put his hand on the night stand looking for his phone when he got it he opened the screen with a swip of his thump and looked down to see it was time for him to leave for the doctors.

Sasuke got up slowly and put on his black pants and a v neck sweater sense it was the beginnings of spring it was still a little cold outside.  Sasuke went to the door grabbed his keys and put on his shoes then left locking the door behind him.  when he got to the doctors office he told the Secretary that he was there and waited in the waiting room.

"Sasuke uchiha?.......Sasuke uchiha? " a nurse yelled for him he raised his hand and walked with her to tg e hospital room.  the nurse took his blood pressure and temperature  then asked why he was there.

"umm I have been sick lately and I cant eat with out throwing up and I get really sleepy at times I don't know what is wrong with me that is why im here" sasuke said folding hid hands.  the nurse nodded and said that the doctor would be in soon.

Sasuke waited for a few minutes and then he heard yelling. 

"IF U COME HERE AGAIN JUST TO SEE MY TITS I WILL FUCKING KILL U THEN TELL THE POLICE I DID IT GOT ME NOW LEAVE B4 I CHANGE MY MIND!!!!!!!" then a loud bag was heard then fast running it scared sasuke a little so much so that he jumped a little when a knock came at his room door.

"c..come I..in please" he stuttered.  a tall more then busty blonde haired woman walked in she had thin glasses on and her hair was in school girl pigtails.

"Sasuke uchiha is it?" she asked him. Sasuke just nodded yes.

"hello im Tsunade Sannin im the head doctor here" Tsunade said.

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