Lonely Heart

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Naruto's POV

I was sitting at my desk in the back of the room i maybe loud sometimes but i don't like being around people. Why? you ask because people judge to much they dont get to know you first before they throw you aside. I sigh when i look up i see my grandma Tsunade's assistant * idk how to spell her name sawy*  come in and talk to my step-father kakashi but i cant here what they say i wave when she leaves she waves back and walks out the door.

"ok class we have a new student today so i want you to be nice to him for me ok.....oh and Naruto come see me after class i need you for something" says kakashi. I just nod my head yes and look at the door like everyone else to see who this person was.

"Sasuke Uchiha here you coming in?" i hear kakashi says to the boy when the boy finally comes in i could see that he was scared close to terrified but when i met his eyes i still saw fear but beauty as well he was beautiful more than beautiful i couldnt stop looking at him but he looked away and look at kakashi those beautiful coal black eyes widened when he saw kakashi then he did something i didnt expect he jumps kakashi hugging him and calling him "Dada" "what's going on" I think to myself i hear kakashi chuckle at the boy they talk but i cant hear them i want to know who this boy is.

"Naruto raise your hand" said kakshi i do and the boy comes to me and sits next to me. He's so pretty i have never seen someone with that much beauty to them he was breath taking his black hair one side brushed back behind his ear the other not quite covering his face the rest falling down to the bottom of the boy (Sasuke i think) neck on the side of his neck i can see he has a tattoo it looks like three tear drops. He had three silver earrings in his left ear and i could see that he was playing with something in his mouth (tongue ring maybe?) he turns to fix his bag and i see his shirt i laughed. i want to get to know him i just feel like he needs me i dont now why.

i Lean over and say "Hi im Naruto i would like to be friends"

Sasuke's POV

i look at Naruto like he was crazy no one has ever wanted to be my friend im.... not right or so i have been told. " no you don't leave me alone" i says thinking he would give up but he didnt he just keep bugging me about being friends.

_ time skip (im lazy >-<)_

the bell rings for end of class everyone leaves except Naruto and me. I stayed because i wanted to talk to Dada. i see Naruto go up to kakashi " what did you want me to do old man?" said Naruto

" i need you to help me with something" Dada said i walk up to them and stand next to dada  " yea what is it?" Naruto smiled at me and kakashi  " i need you to help my Sasuke around school and please be nice' dada said i look at him as if he a grown another head " i dont need help!" i cry-ed i dont want to be around anyone. dada turned to me and smiled "S'uke this school is really big and you have never been in a school before so yes i want someone with you and i cant do it because i have classes so my son will do it" dada said grabbing my shoulders "step-son old man" Naruto said annoyed

" stepson son it doesn't matter your still my son like Sasuke and Itachi are" kakashi said looking at Naruto. Naruto looked at Sasuke " your Itachi-nii's baby brother?" he said "yes i am why?"i say " nothing just he talked about you alot thats all" I blush when Naruto said that " ok will u show him around oh and take him home after school and what there for me ok" dada said looking at both of us .

" yea yea i'll do it and i now lock doors and windows when we get to the house come on sasuke" Naruto said walking away " bye dada" i say hugging him he hugs me back " i'll see you tonight ok" i nod my head and walk to cech up with Naruto.

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