Chapter Two: Pit-Stop

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Skylar's POV:

I take in a deep breath I move forward towards the house. Each step I take as I walk up the stairs feels like my legs are like bricks. Lifting each foot to the other gets heavier and heavier. Like my feet are chained or cemented or in quicksand. Not wanting or able to move forward. Why? Why wouldn't you move? Just one more step. One more step back into this house and that it. No more. Finally I reach up to the door, I put the key in the whole, turn, and push my way into the house. I take just one step in and already I'm in the living room.

I looking around in the living room, a living room that will no longer be mine. Although it never felt like mine to begin with, it was always his. The television all the way at the far end of the room by the wall, a black leather corner couch to the far right of the room across from the TV and a black glass coffee table in the center of all that. I rub the back of my head just looking at it. I'm pretty sure you can imagine how many times we, I, had to replace that glass.

I shake my head to rid of the times my head hit that table. I don't want to be in here any more than I have to be. I head to the stairwell and rush up it to my room the all the way down the hall to the left.

I opened the door and walk in to a room that will no longer will be mine. I take in a sharp breath and look around me as I stand in the middle. My room isn't the biggest one in the house but it was enough. Two windows that got some sun in, a full size bed against a wall away from the windows, no sheets or anything on it because I packed it up already, a dresser, and a small closet that's close to the door. The walls are a dark shade of gray but not by much, holes in a couple of places from the old man losing his temper.

I bring my arms in close to my chest, hugging myself as comfort. All of this, this room, will become will become nothing more than a memory to me now. The air thickens around me. All of the hurt, hate, beatings, yelling, crying, all of it that just everything for me a living hell just hit me. How can anyone live like this? How could I have lived like this?

I take in a deep breath as all the memories come flooding through my head. I close my eyes instantly as images of my life come to me like a movie fast forwarding in front of me. Again and again and again.

"I can't take this anymore!" My subconscious screams at me as she gets into a fetal position holding her head in her hands, practically trying to pull out her hair. "Leave! Just leave already!"

"Hey..." I jump a bit as I hear a familiar voice. "Is everything okay in here?" Charlie comes in walking over to my side.

"Yeah, everythings fine. Why wouldn't it be?" I clear up my throat and fix my posture.

"It's just that you've been in here for quite some time, and I started to worried." I watch as he crokes his head closer to mine and begins to face me. I can see him looking into my eyes to see if anything was wrong. Of course there's something wrong, I've been reliving my past again and again just standing here. I hate this place. I HATE IT! "Hey...." I feel his thumb stroke under my eye lid. Shit. "DON'T CRY! NOT WHILE HE'S HERE!" My subconscious looks up from her hands. "Sky talk to me. Please."

I turn my head away and wipe my own eyes. "I'm fine Charlie. Really, I just lost track of time is all. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you waiting for so long."

"I didn't mind the wait, just wanted to know if you were okay."

I nod and take a quick glance up at him along with a small smile. "I'm fine." I don't want to get into this, not right now, not in this room. "I just didn't know I was in here for so long, got lost in thought." I turn away and head to my closet and start pulling out my bags and some boxes I've been hiding.

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