Chapter 12

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Thalia_Grace_1, thank you for supporting my story, and commenting in it! 


Piper's POV 

After the scene two days ago, the other mortals were ok, like nothing happened.

so today is friday and i don't wanna go to school! But yet we need to. So i got out of bed into my robe and went down stairs, sitting there was Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Jason, and the Stolls. "Annie can you pass me the syrup?" Thali said. "Sure thing Thals." Suprisingly everyone is in a good mood. "Good Morning beauty queen! and good morning EVERYONE!" Leo said out of no where. "well your in a good mood? what did you dreamt about?" Percy asked "I don't kiss and tell." Said Leo winking. EW!

"You know what? let's just eat before i barf in front of Leo." Thalia said. Travis and Connor well, kept pranking the teachers and making pranks in the house, like yesterday he powdered the floor while my lights were off and i slipped. Jason was about to sit at the chair in the counter when the stolls tied a string at the chair and pulled it then Jason well of his butt, Percy was swimming and they mixed the pool with dye i think and when Percy got out of the pool he's body was purple. Then Annabeth was about to read a book then when she flipped it open it sprayed water into Annabeths face. Then their was Leo, he was going for a shower and when his done his hair was pink. 

It was funny and at the same time it makes me want to kill the stolls. 

When we were all done eating i got dress in my  above the knee dress which is color white and a  pink crop top that showed the half of my stomach, and floral sandals, i curled my hair and grabbed my light blue satchel. I got out of my room and wait for the others.

Annabeth's POV 

After our breakfast, i already showered, i wore my hanging tank top that is color gray and brown cardigan with aztec leggings with flats. i got my bag and got out and went to Percy. We both went down and saw Leo, Piper, Jason, Connor, Travis, but Thalia wasnt there. "Thalia!! let's go now!" Leo said. she went down wearing her black shirt and black leather jacket her black ripped jeans and her combatsboots. We all went to our cars and got to school.

 When Percy opened the car door for me i held his hand. We both walked to school hand in hand then Mike, Tori, Char, and Sam went to us. "Hey guys, Natalie invitedd us to her party. And it's really weird." Char said. (A/N: if you're wondering who's char, it's short for Charlot.)

"Yeah, it's a pool party she gave us this invitations." Mike added. "Huh, weird, i think she's planning something." Percy said. "I don think, i know Seaweed brain." i said. When we got to our first class it was boring. Then in English, Paul was absent because he's sick, so we have a substitute teacher. "Morning class! I am Ms. Love." All the guys were drooling and staring at this beautiful, stunning, and, flawless, woman in front of our class. Even Percy, so i nodge him and he stopped staring hu just shrugged. I looked at Piper and she also just shrugged and i face palmed. Unfortunately Natalie spoke with 'Ms. Love' earlier. "Ok class, we will have a small play!" she squeeled. Like a girly teenage girl. 

"Ahm, Ms. Love, were at the Odyssey " i interrupted. "Oh, Ms. Chase. Can't we just have a break with those stuffs?" she said, i raised my eye brow. "Isn't school learning?" i challenged. "Darling, we will study the tragedy love story of Romeo and Juliet" she said crossing her brow. I just shrugged. "Ok, i need volunteers. Hmmm, how about Mr. Jackson? Can you be Romeo?" Ms. Love said. "Uhm i don't think so Ms. Love" Percy said. "Oh no, no. Come here!" She said. I glared at her. All of the girls in our class were raising their hands. "Ms. Natalie? would you like to be Juliet?" Natalie squeeled. "I WOULD LOVE TOO!" She said running forwards. "Ok, you too just wing it!" Ms. Love said. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Natalie said. "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" Percy said. "Now, kiss!" Ms . Love said. WHAT?! "Ms. Love, this is not right! You are not teaching us!" i objected. "Oh come on Anniebell? Why you scared when i kiss Percy he'll like it and leave you?" Natalie scowld. Ilooked at Percy, he was unsure of himself. "No, because i trust my boyfriend." i said and sat again. I thought Aphrodite loves our Loveteam? and now sh'e destroying it? what the hades?! "Where were we? oh right the kiss!" Ms.Love said. Whe they were about too kiss the bell rang and Percy ran towards my chair. 

"That was clooooose" he said, i just nod and got out of the room, he held my hand and i pulled away. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, let's go." i simply replied and i left him there. Natalie came towards us at the cafetria, "Hey losers, except for Percy. I'm inviting you at my pool party later. You can wear bikini's or two piece for girls, and swimming trunks for boys." she winked at percy and i just rolled my eyes. "My adress is at my invitations see you there! especially you Percy" She winked again and blew a kiss. Percy dodged it. I laughed at that. he wrapped his arms around my waist.

The day went super fast, and we got to our cars and went shopping for our swimming attires. With the Gang.


Short Chapter ! The next one will be the party! 


All rights reserve.


Percabeth: Demigods & High School  1 (REVISING) A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now