The Hard Way

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"Is he awake?"

The crowd stood in stunned silence as Cecily prodded Harrick's limp body with her toe. The only noise was the sound of Reggie and Darla's dragons' beating wings and the gasp of Harrick's mother, Queen Isla. Both looked uncertain what to do. The dragon riders torn between setting down to check on their captain or finishing their contract, while the Queen appeared to be debating whether or not Cecily had effectively broken the treaty forged between Drackenridge and Raidenfall.

"Out cold I'm afraid," answered Lord Gadfrey, who seemed tense, but unshaken, by Cecily's frosty transformation.

"Then we'll just have to act on his promise and proceed without him," said Cecily. She motioned for her maids, who shivered in the back corner of the altar. Uncertain what was required of them, they hesitated in their place. "Get over here and fix this train," demanded their princess. With a yelp, they leapt forward and attended to their future queen, straightening her dress, adjusting the flowers in her hair, and fluffing her bouquet. "Now, where is Minister Fry? We need to get on with this. I'm sure we won't have any further interruptions."

At her words we all looked to the dragons. Reggie and Darla had abandoned their mounts, sending them back out into the night, safe from any further blasts. Still the beasts swirled above, circling with the other dragon riders while the two dutiful pirates tended to Cornyx and Vincent in the back of the hall.

"Here he is," answered Lord Gadfrey, pointing to a spot in the crowd, which soon spread apart and encircled the trembling man. "Come forward Minister Fry."

"Y-y-yes, of course."

"Cecily," started the king, pushing his way past the barricade of bodies formed by the king's guard and then approaching the altar. "My dear, what is going on? How could you...?"

"Magic tends to carry with the blood," answered Cecily with a clip in her voice and her eyes rooted upon the hunched figure of her terrified officiant. "My dear aunts are quite gifted even if mother wasn't. It's in the blood."

"Perhaps," he answered, his voice low with a heavy weight upon his words as he cast a glance over to the two sisters. The twin light mages watched on with thin lips and cold eyes, however they said nothing to add to Cecily's assertion. Then, the king turned back to his daughter and continued. "This we can discuss later, but Cecily we can't proceed with the wedding like this. Prince Harrick isn't in a state to continue, we'll have to..."

"We will continue without him," snapped Cecily. "Come Minister Fry, on with it."

"I-I can't," he said, his pleading eyes directed to his king. "He must give his word willingly."

"He did when he agreed to the engagement," said Cecily with a fierce growl in her voice. "Now come along and pronounce us husband and wife."


"We will not recognize such a union!" shouted Queen Isla, who also pushed her way forward and was soon joined by Harrick's two elder brothers. "I don't know what you are playing at Staven, but this sham of a wedding cannot proceed no matter the result of the war." The queen turned her gaze to our king, who replied with a nod.

"I agree," he said, taking another step towards the altar. "Cecily, my dear, perhaps the trauma from your kidnapping is more severe than we thought. Why don't we take a few more months to heal...and properly deal with these damn dragon riders...and then do this again. I'm sure Prince Harrick and Queen Isla would understand." The king turned his gaze to the Raidenfall matriarch and she too replied with a stiff nod.

"Or you could just accept this and make this easier on everyone," answered Cecily with cold, flat words.

"Easier? How is proceeding in this mess easier?" begged the King. He threw his hands up in exasperation and stepped on to the altar. "Come Cecily, it will be okay."

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