Chapter 8 - What kind of spy doesn't know spy talk?

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Nate drove us across town to The New York Palace. We rode in a surprisingly comfortable silence, even though I caught him watching me almost as much as he watched the road. After just taking a bath, I doubted I had food plastered on the side of my face, but I didn’t feel like asking what his problem was to verify.

“Wow. This guy definitely has some cash to spend,” I said mostly to myself as I looked up at the building.

“Yeah. This is where the charity ball is going to be held. A little more glitz than I’m use to, but since I’m not paying for the event I’m bound and determined to enjoy it, even if I am working during it,” Nate replied as he found a parking place.

“’A little more glitz?’ This is Queen of England level of proportions more glitz than I’m used to on a daily basis. There is no way I’d be comfortable in there.”

As soon as Nate shifted into park, he was on his way out of the car. I followed suit, not sure what exactly his plan was. I’d never been on a stakeout, but I’d always thought you were supposed to stay in the car.

“Fine. We won’t go in for a little while. How about we head down the street to Liberty Deli and grab some food? Then we’ll come up with a game plan for tonight and worry about the ball another day.”

“Or not at all,” I mumbled very quietly under my breath as we traveled down the street.

As was usual when I walked amongst people, my head was down and I tried to move us along as fast as I could. Making eye contact was to be avoided at all costs. I’d spent my whole life refining the art of never meeting a stranger’s gaze as I made my way down the street.

When we got to the deli, Nate ordered a Philly cheese steak and a bag of chips. I decided on the smoked turkey classic with a side of split pea soup. We were sitting down eating, not really worrying about keeping a conversation going, when I glanced up at the door to see the newest customer walking in. Shocked was a little mild a word to describe what I felt upon seeing the person.

“Psst. Hey Nate, the eagle has landed,” I hissed in my covert ops voice. Since I’d never been a part of a covert ops mission I wasn’t really sure if I hit my mark.

“What are you talking about, Avery, and why are you talking like that?” Nate gave me a look that clearly indicated he thought I’d gone over the deep end. I definitely didn’t hit the mark.

“Ubazay ashay enteredway ethay uldingbay.” Zuba has entered the building, I explained in Pig Latin. I hoped he understood, because it was the only non-English language I spoke.

Shaking his head and laughing to himself he said, “I still don’t understand you.”

“Seriously? Zuba just walked in. Sheesh, what kind of undercover super spy are you anyway?”

Zuba was making his way towards where we were sitting and Nate finally turned to see him standing there. I’d only seen the quick picture of Zuba on Nate’s phone, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out the image I’d seen was of the man standing not ten feet away from me.

“I’m a very good one, when my partner isn’t speaking in tongues,” he replied as he took out his phone to snap a few pictures.

Zuba strutted over to a table where a man sat alone. The man appeared to be in his mid-forties, but could’ve been only thirty. I stunk at figuring out a person’s age by looks alone. The two men quickly started up a conversation while Nate continued to snap photos.

I took in a few more characterizations of the new man as I waited for Nate to make whatever move he planned.  He had an average build with short dark brown hair and a very good tan. He clearly didn’t spend all day working in a basement like I did.

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