I Won't Give Up

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Zakya's POV

"When will we be there?" I questioned my aunt, Kara.

"Are we picking Jane up at her mother or her father's house?" She questioned back.

"That doesn't answer my question." I replied sternly.

"I can't answer your question until you answer mine." She said with a tone of voice matching mine. The bickering continued until we pulled up in front of a good sized, cream color house with shutters that were biege with a hint of gold. Don't let the apearance of the home make you think that the people who live there are normal; trust me, far from. Me and my aunt had resolved our "battle" and had stopped to pick up my bestie, Jane, from her mothers home. I had only been here once, seeing as jane spends most of her time with her father, but i had learned that after her parents divorce, her mother had taken up painting to express her unusually strong "feelings" towards her ex-husband. Her parents married young and still seemed barely old enough to have a 5 year old, let alone a teenager. Jane left the house as soon as she saw us pull up and locked the door behind her.She rolled behind her, a supersized suitcase that was large enough to fit into yourself, if you were hoping to fly cheap. But yay us,*sarcasm* my aunt was a fruit loop and was going to drive us from Massachusetts to LA. "isn't your mother going to come send you off, Janie?" my aunt questioned as Jane attempted to shove her suitcase into the small, already full trunk of our small car. I went to her aid and sat on the suitcase to push it far enough into the trunk that it would close fully. She closed the trunk and as we went to our seats, she answered my aunts question.

"She already left. She had a huge meeting in some South American country and got a taxi in the middle of the night and my dad left for Africa last week. Sorry for the inconvenience of me coming with you when you have business meetings of your own."

"It's no trouble, Janie. Now you'll be here to keep Z busy." my aunt replied, earning a glare from me.

"Yea, yea, yea. NOW LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!" Anyway, we drove, and drove, and drove,...and drove. I was just beiginning to think of what we would see in LA, when i drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep filled with the harmonies of 5 boys singing songs about beautiful girls who don't know it, and stealing someones heart, just like Niall, even though we had never met, had stolen mine.

Hi! If you actually read this far, I officially love you. Thanks!

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