Chapter 43 - Acrobatics

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Blythe's POV

Pain radiated through my chest as I shimmied my body until I was lying on my back on the scratchy bed, with my legs toward the bedside table. My right hand awkwardly trailed behind me, attaching me to the headboard. I stretched my left leg, ignoring the piercing ache that zapped through me, and used my toes to grasp the phone cord. Slowly, I dragged the phone toward me, but the odd position sent a cramp racing through my toes and up my leg. I yelped and involuntarily tucked my leg into my chest to alleviate the cramp, only to jostle my broken arm. A whimper escaped my mouth, but I refused to allow the pain to overtake me.

As the cramp subsided, I focused on my breathing and decided to try again. I repeated my earlier movements, and began to tug the bulky phone toward the bed. When it was far enough over the edge of the table, the phone began to tumble to the floor. I shoved my right leg forward, catching the base of the phone on the top of my foot, while curling the foot that still held the cord over the top of the phone.

I bent my knees and pulled my feet toward me. Once my feet were over the mattress, I released the phone and felt it gently bounce on the stiff, red comforter. A mixture of anguish and relief flooded me at once, overwhelming my senses and causing my eyes to overflow with tears. Anguish from the sudden pain my body could no longer deny. Relief from the close proximity of the phone to my hand. I lay frozen for several minutes, hyperventilating as I tearfully waited for the sharp throbbing to steadily subside. Gradually, my breathing returned to normal, and a dull ache replaced the intense hurt caused by my acrobatics.

I slid my free hand sluggishly down the bed, wincing as each movement sent a harsh wave of pain through my forearm. I gripped the curly cord at my hip between my fingers and tugged the cord, gradually drawing the phone more closely, one small jerk at a time. I bit my lip, drawing blood, as I tried to ignore the jolt of agony that I felt with each movement.

When the phone base was within reach of my fingers, I grinned, thankful that Luca had made me memorize that blasted phone number. I lifted the receiver and set it on the bed as I began to dial. I allowed myself to whimper for only a moment before I deliberately pressed each number to Luca's burner phone. Once I pressed the final number, I grabbed the receiver again with my free hand and lifted it to my ear, tucking it between my cheek and shoulder, and cradling my wounded arm to my belly.

Seconds ticked by in slow motion as I listened to the ringing of the phone. I hoped he still had it. For all I knew, it was damaged or lost at the warehouse. As the third ring began, Luca's deep voice answered abruptly.


A sob escaped my mouth, as I said his name.

"Blythe?! Where are you? Are you okay?"

His voice was panicked, but it still caused a peaceful feeling to spread throughout my body as I felt hope grow in my heart.

"I'm at some hotel," I answered, trying not to let my voice crack with emotion. "It's called the Camelot or something." I closed my eyes and felt a warm tear trickle down my face. I pressed my face to the pillow beside me and relished the sound of Luca's voice.

"What phone are you calling from?" he asked tensely. I could hear Natalie talking to him in the background.

"It's the one from the room," I stated as I pulled the base closer, groaning as I lifted myself to look at the phone more closely. "Luca, it has an address on it," I spoke weakly, my arm now throbbing terribly.

"Give it to me, sweetheart. I'm coming to get you."

My heart swelled as I recited the address and phone number. "It says we're in room 204."

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