4. He Contacts You: Grant Gustin

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It's a Friday afternoon and basically everyone you know is out there partying. Well, except for you. You decide that it's a weekend to stay in...and finish up watching Parks & Rec.

At this point you've reached Season 4, and it's well past 9 o'clock. Your phone vibrates in the middle of Andy's antics and you pick it up to see who's texted you at this late hour. Your heart races when you realize it's Grant.

Grant: Hey (y/n), I'm guessing ur up at this crazy hour. Want to get that coffee?

Your thumbs dart the keyboard as you rely. So much for keeping your cool.

You: At midnight? Insomniac aren't ya?

After a few seconds, a reply comes to you.

Grant: hmm, it does sound a bit sketchy doesn't it? What would you like to do?

You ponder ideas for a moment, then realize that you're in no state to go out. You haven't showered, you have no outfit picked out. It's too risky a move for you, especially a first date with Grant frikkin Gustin.

You: umm, this may sound a bit too intimate but I'm binging parks & rec as we speak. Wanna come over?

A few minutes pass before you get a reply. That is, a knock on your apartment door.

You throw the blanket off and try to clean up before racing to the door, almost falling on your face.  You peep through the peep hole and what do you know, Grant's decided to join you AND bring treats!

You open the door slowly and smile, thankful that you didn't wipe off the day's make up.

"You've certainly got a way with replying," you joke, looking into his eyes. You frown for a moment, "hold on, how did you know where I live?"

Grant scratches the back of his neck, a shy smile on his gorgeous face.

"You sort of told me a week ago, we were talking about hanging out but you cancelled because of a- " he pauses to think for a moment, and then his eyes light up. "Oh yeah, you had to go to rehearsal for the school play."

You smile as you remember, and then you remember how bad you felt when you declined him.

"Right! The musical! Listen, I'm really sorry that I had to cancel," you lean against the door frame. "I feel really bad."

"No no, you don't need to be," he puts his hands in his pockets. "Besides, I'm a musical man myself."

"Now that's what I need to hear," you push the door wide open and gesture inside. "Welcome to my humble abode."

He grins as he walks through, a "thank you" nod on the way in. You close the door and turn to see Grant marveling at the size of your little home, his eyes regarding the number of books that cover the walls. 

"Wait, so you're a college student?" He asks, walking towards a book shelf. "You basically have an income library here!"

You walk towards your bookshelves, your forefinger gently brushing against the many spines of stories you've ventured on. The Heroes, the Shadowhunters, and the Demigods...the stories were endless.

"I'm actually studying literature, so all of this stuff is technically studying material too," you tell him.

Grant reaches up to grab a book and flips the cover to you, his eyebrow raising as he displays "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".

"Oh yeah, study material," he winks. You snatch the book from him playfully and put it back in its place.

"I read Harry Potter religiously, you Muggles simply don't understand," you huff, receiving a laugh from him. 

"I'm still waiting for that acceptance letter," he grins. You realize that when Grant smiles, its not just his mouth, but his entire face lights up. Your heart flutters at the sight.

"Come on, that episode of Parks & Rec is calling to me," you walk towards the couch, where Netflix is hooked up onto your TV. "We need to see what Andy does with Ann, sweet Ann." 

"Oooh, so I guess this is Netflix and chill, huh?" Grant teases as he plops himself down on the couch. He's close to you, close enough for your hands to touch.

"Hold on buddy, we aren't there yet." 

Grant Gustin/Barry Allen/The Flash ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now