Author Spotlight: @AngusEcrivain

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Mars, Inc., The Feifdom of Thirty-nine Galaxies, and--who can forget--the great, epic, ever expanding Half-Light series? The only author who can create these witty, wild, and sassy worlds is Forbidden Planet's very own @AngusEcrivain. Who better to interview for the TK: Space opera issue than the man who would perhaps be more at home on the Serenity, itself? 


So, who are you—tell us a little about yourself.

I'm Angus Ecrivain – or Dan, to those in the loop. I've been around here for going on four years now. I've seen Wattpad grow and develop into the quite wonderful site that it is today and I hope to be around for a few more years, if only to see what Wattpad becomes!

So yes as I said, I'm Angus Ecrivain. It's quite likely I'm the most random person and offensive you'll ever encounter. My stories rarely follow traditional rules but that's the way I like it, makes me feel all rebellious and shit.

My life outside Wattpad is shrouded in mystery but here, allow me to remove that shroud for a moment. I have a wife and a puppy. We live in a house in a village near a town in Sussex in South-East England. I work the graveyard shift and have done so for the last seven years but I kinda' like it because it means I don't have to deal with too many stupid people.

Years ago I played football and not quite so many years ago I played guitar and sang in a fair few rock bands. Now I'm far too unfit for the former and haven't touched either of my guitars for a while.

When did you begin writing?

Well now, that happened during a particularly long and boring night shift. It was nothing more than an idea that I simply had to write down. There really wasn't much to it but it's since grown into a Space Opera of epic proportions. The original prologue to Half-Light started life as a mere three hundred words and the current word count sits somewhere about 650,000. I suppose that just goes to show that even the smallest, simplest ideas can develop into something absolutely bloody awesome.

I still work nights, however I no longer have the time during my shifts to write. That's fair enough I suppose, considering I get paid to work! Every chance I do get though, at work or otherwise, the chances are I'm writing!

Why SciFi?

Why not SciFi? For me it's the logical genre in which to write. It gives more freedom than any other – aside from Fantasy, to be fair. Anyone who's read my work knows that my mind works in random and mysterious ways so taking that into consideration, there really is no other genre in which I'd rather write.

What’s your favourite story you’ve written?

Getting Stephen Laid, definitely. The idea for the novel formed whilst I was reading 'The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy,' for the millionth time. It's been described as an R-Rated version of that Science Fiction classic and for me that's a massive, massive compliment. It was so much fun to write, too. A story about a man so ugly and yet incredibly well endowed and his quest to get his end away, saving the Universe in the process. It's riddled with clichés and obscenities and that's probably why it's my favourite. I think it's fair to say that whilst writing it, I wasn't taking myself seriously in the slightest!

What is your fan’s favourite story you’ve written?

I honestly don't know but I'd like to think their favourite is Half-Light. That's the story that got me into writing and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that I put every drop of blood, sweat and tears into that tale. It's not complete, either. The story – albeit a few generations down the line – is in the process of being continued!

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