The doll

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They say there once was a doll, named Riley. She held up two fingers, like a peace sign. A little girl named Lucy saw the doll and wanted it really bad. Her mother gave it to her as a birthday present. Lucy played with the doll every day, but on one day it became a bit boring. She let the doll downstairs and one night when she lays in her bed, she hears "Lucy, I'm in the kitchen with a knife in my hand". Because she really sleepy she doesn't think much of it and tries to sleep. 10 minutes later she hears "Lucy, I'm on the stairs with a knife in my hand". Lucy becomes a bit scared and hides under her blankets. A bit later she hears "Lucy, I'm at your door with a knife in my hand". She becomes really scared and hides under he blankets and pillows. Hours go by but she hears nothing and just when she falls asleep she hears "Lucy, I'm on your bed with a knife in my hand. And I'm going to kill you" Then everything goes black.

The next day her mum comes in her room and finds Lucy dead. She called the police but they never found who was the murder.

On her funeral her mum lays the the doll with her cause that's the last thing she gave to her daughter. But then she sees something she never wantes to see. The doll had three fingers up. The doll killed three people.

They say the doll was never seen again, but there where more people killed by someone the police couldn't find.

Will you be the next one?

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