Save me

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I hate my life. The tall, dark streets of Dublin filling my mind up with lies and worries.

I shouldn't think that, not really. I mean I have a mum and a dad and a little sister crazy about barbies.

Mum works in her friend Mandy's wedding accessories shop called Mandy boo. dad works on a farm 15 miles from home. We live in a small estate on the east side.

I go to a school. It's not good but I have friends, teachers think I am ok too. I have good grades and a decent amount of pocket money. the right clothes, shoes and bags.
The girls on my estate don't think much of me. I don't think much of them either. Their the kind that wear too much makeup, skimpy tips and high boots and hoop earrings.
They walk around the estate in velvet tracksuits, and drink cans of emerge on the street corner. While picking at a bag of walkers.
They are scatters alright.

They go to my school too. they tell me to watch out all the time. They hurt my feelings too. But I show them I don't care.

I hold my head up high and walk on. You may think that's crazy but I am a johnson aren't i? I don't let them take my pride.

Save meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora