❉| chapter thirteen

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❝i drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking

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❝i drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking.❞

-finnick odair, mockingjay

FURY CHURNS INSIDE OF me like a tidal wave. As I storm back into the corridors of Alpha Station, the feeling threatens to swallow me whole. My mouth is twisted into the deepest of scowls as incredulity fills my brain.

Clarke has been gone for three months. Three months, fighting for her life in the woods because she thought it was the best thing for us. She figured that we'd survive better off without her. But not for a single second did she think to ask us what we wanted.

And I had wanted her to stay. It was the only thing I wanted in the entire world at that moment outside of Arkadia when she walked away from Bellamy and I.

All the anger I've been feeling in her absence has bubbled to the surface. I'm almost shaking with it- the fire coursing through my veins, bringing me under its licking flames with a cheshire grin. As if it means to manipulate me. Cause me to lash out even more than I already have.

I don't head for the center of the station, where there are certainly more people around. Instead, I stop at an empty intersection and lean my head against the wall, using an arm to prop the rest of my body up. The metal is cold against my heated skin. I force myself to take controlled breaths. In and out, slowly but surely, struggling to slow down the huffing coming out of my nose. I count to ten and release the breaths each time. My shoulders lose their tension. Whatever coiled itself around my body begins to loosen, to set me free from its ill-intending clutches. I feel a wave of calm extinguish the fire.

But as soon as that happens, I hear a surplus of panicked chatter in the distance. My feet are moving before I can fully comprehend it. It's like my body knows where to go without my brain having time to process what it's doing, and I run down corridor after corridor until I find the source.

And almost trip over Bellamy's crumpled figure on the floor.

"Oh my God," I gasp, immediately dropping to the ground in front of him. Concern floods my system as my hand reaches out to touch his face; I don't care about being on a break or not at a time like this. My doctoral instincts kick immediately as I observe the details.

Bellamy's form is positioned awkwardly as if he'd fallen suddenly. His arms are sprawled out near his abdomen. And judging by the way his body periodically jerks, I can assume that someone used an electric baton on him. A wince crosses my features; I know the feeling.

He spazzes once again, fingers twitching and jaw clenching tightly. My fingers hover just centimeters from his face. I can't touch him if he's still exhibiting signs of being electrocuted in case it shocks me as well. It wouldn't end well for either of us.

I quickly assess the area. Another guard named Sampson is unconscious nearby, but there's no sign of external injury from what I can see. His lifeless form is laying face-up so I can see his closed eyes. Whoever knocked him out had done it cleanly and swiftly.

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