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(favorite gif because dan and stephanie are really underrated as jack and katherine and it's also pure jackrine mk bye)

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(favorite gif because dan and stephanie are really underrated as jack and katherine and it's also pure jackrine mk bye)



"Damnit, Darcy! You were right!" Katherine rambled into the phone, hugging her knees to her chest as she talked. It had been twenty-four hours since she had last seen Jack, and not once had she been bothered to leave her room.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. I was right about what?" Darcy's calm voice spoke through the phone.

"About me and Jack! I didn't think I liked him like that and then... and then he kissed me and suddenly things just shifted into perspective and—God this is real!"

Ever since Katherine woke up from attempting to sleep on her thoughts, her mind had wandered away to far-off places until she drew it to one intimidating thought: she had an infatuation with Jack Kelly and there was no way she could change it even if she tried. The thought terrified her. She had felt an attraction to many people before she even came to college, but never were those emotions as strong as they were now . It was overawing to her, causing Katherine to feel as if her mind matured overnight.

"Hey, Kath, calm down. So. You kissed him?" Darcy spoke through the call, and she heard him shift as if to make himself comfortable. He'd need to, because Katherine wasn't anywhere close to done with her rambling. She needed someone to talk to, and Darcy was always there to listen.

"More like he kissed me but I did kiss him back."

"So it's official," Darcy said matter-of-factly as if this was what he had expected. "There's something between you two. What happened afterwards?"

"That's the thing: nothing happened. We were just continuing what we started when he got up and just... left. I don't know what to do, Darcy! I'm scared to message him or call him but I don't know what else to do."

There was a pause; a moment of silence that dragged on for so long that Katherine nearly though that the call had ended unexpectedly when Darcy spoke up again, "I have an idea."

"Do tell."

"The first performance of the show is tonight. I can ask Miss Medda to invite Jack to see it, and get you a ticket." Darcy explained his plan, causing Katherine to bite harshly on the inside of her bottom lip.

"But how will I come across him?"

"Easy. I'll invite you backstage afterwards, push you and him into a room together and then let the magic and romance unfold."

"God, Darcy! You're making me sound like a lovesick imbecile!"

"You kind of are at the moment, Kath," Darcy said. He swiftly decided to change the subject, adding in a hasty voice, "Do you want to meet me and Bill somewhere? Get an early dinner before heading to the show?"

"Please. I could use a break from this entire Jack dilemma. Though, it'll take you and Bill a lot to get my mind off of him." Katherine stood from her bed. She had already dressed and fixed her drained appearance earlier that morning, but had spent the majority of her time from when she woke up to early evening lounging in the dorm and attempting to push Jack out of her mind.

"Don't doubt us, Kath," Darcy stated. "Bill and I are more experienced than you think."

"I'll take your word for it." Katherine exhaled deeply, leaning against the wall behind her. "Meet at the theatre and then we can go to our joint?"

"Sounds like a plan."


"So..." Bill began, trailing his fingers down the edge of the table. "How's Hannah doing?"

"That depends. Is this question coming from a concerned friend or a doting crush?" Katherine leaned onto her elbows, giving an intuitive look to the male who was sitting across from her.

"Don't bring up my romantic interests and I won't bring up yours," Bill snapped playfully, earning a flushed appearance from the female.

"So much for getting her mind off of it," Darcy mumbled, kicking Bill's ankle underneath the table.

"No, it's fine," Katherine responded tentatively. "I'll concede my details if you do the same with your own."

"It's a deal," Bill said with a smug, elated grin. "So... Jack. What's the deal?"

"Honestly?" Katherine arched an eyebrow, leaning back with a slouch in her seat. "I don't know. I probably know just as much as you do. That's one reason why I'm a bit apprehensive about this plan Darcy has in mind."

"One reason? So there's more?"

Katherine exhaled deeply, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her sweater. "To be fair, I only just got to know Jack and I don't know if this is how far I want to go."

"But you like him?"

"I'm infatuated with him," Katherine corrected, holding up a finger. "He's not an open book; I simply can't tell." Katherine sighed, lowering her hand and instead crossing her arms at her chest. "And honestly... I don't have time for a relationship. Right now, I need to focus on my education. A degree is going to get me much further in life than a significant other."

"Unless you found the one," Darcy commented. Katherine gave her friend a perplexed look, unsure what to make of his comment. "If you find that one person who makes you feel special, then you welcome yourself to a variety of opportunities. A future, some may say."

"And yet it seems like such a distraction," Katherine mumbled. "And I can't say I feel special. He's a playboy; he's always having relationships and affairs with countless girls. I should have never looked through that damn sketchbook."

"But if you hadn't," Darcy pressed further, "then you wouldn't have met someone you are—what is that you said?—infatuated with."

"Since when were you so insistent?" Katherine snapped, lowering her eyes. "I thought you were against me talking to Jack. Now you're wanting me to give him a chance?"

"Jack makes you happy," Bill stated in Darcy's defense. "We can tell. That's why you're so ill-tempered right now: because you fear what you may lose if you and him never talk again."

Katherine relaxed the tension in her muscles, staring down at the names carved into the wooden table between her and her friends. With one last sigh, she looked up, "One more chance is all I'm giving him."


woah I actually updated

I don't know if this was good enough for you (because you all deserve the best) so I tried to make it as well-written as I could

anyways, I hope you enjoyed! <3

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