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This chapter was written very quickly, so I apologize for any sentences that don't make sense or grammar that is very screwed up. I'm at Space Camp this week, which means I barely have any time throughout the days to get anything done. Therefore, I tried to get this written for you guys. More chapters coming soon!


"Hannah! Hannah, wake up!" Katherine pushed on the other girl's shoulder, only causing her to turn on her other side. "You've got to be at the airport in less than two hours!"

"Five more minutes," Hannah mumbled sleepily, waving Katherine's hands away.

In one last, desperate attempt, Katherine heaved a heavy sigh and pulled the blankets off of Hannah's body. The older girl groaned, turning onto her back, "Okay, okay. I'm up."

"Good, because your flight leaves at 4:30 and it's already noon." Katherine grabbed Hannah's arms, attempting to drag her off of the mattress.

"It's only noon?" Hannah muttered, blinking slowly. "Why'd you wake me up so early?"

"Shut up and get dressed," Katherine remarked as Hannah's body hit the floor, causing a loud thump to fill the room.

With one last groan, Hannah forced herself off of the ground. Katherine, too, began to get dressed, for she was going to be assisting Hannah to the airport. "I'd much rather be asleep right now," Hannah complained, hugging a gray sweater to her body.

"That makes two of us," Katherine responded.

Public transportation had never been a problem for Katherine, so making more than one stop to get into a new subway didn't prove to be difficult. Once Hannah was dropped off and Katherine walked with her the furthest that she could, she now was faced with the rest of the day to spend time doing whatever she pleased.

Katherine thought over her options, remembering several activities the school was partaking in. She recalled hearing news of a robotics contest, the band's Christmas concert, and a Christmas play.

Of course, Katherine would only go to these events to write articles for the school paper. She thought over her options, narrowing it to the concert and the play. Then she remembered what Hannah told her: Jack Kelly painted the backdrops for the theatre department. She knew then where she was headed, primarily out of curiosity.

Katherine stepped out of the subway station a short distance from the campus, taking her time with walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the theater. As she walked, her hand found the notepad in her bag, which she withdrew along with her pen. Writing the address down, she approached the building, finding that several vehicles were parked in the parking lot of the theatre department.

When Katherine stepped in, she was greeted with cheerful Christmas music and decorations adorned down the halls. Immediately, she found one of the theatre students in her year, pacing back and forth with a booklet in his hand. In fact, she recognized the student as one of her lifelong best friends; someone she had known all of her life.

"Darcy!" Katherine greeted, instantly stepping over to him. Her notepad and pen were still in her hands, the paper flopping awkwardly as she waved.

Darcy looked up, lowering his booklet. "Oh, Katherine! What are you doing here?"

"It's always nice to feel welcomed," Katherine remarked. She motioned to the notepad and pen in her left hand, "I'm here to write an article about the production. What is it that you're performing again?"

"Miracle On 34th Street," Darcy answered. He closed the pages of the booklet, which Katherine saw was his script, and held it in one hand. "I'll show you to the stage. We're currently setting up for a dress rehearsal."

Katherine followed behind Darcy, asking him questions such as "What can the audience expect from the play?" and "When can the public come to watch the production?" As she walked, her pen hastily wrote down his responses.

He led her backstage, where several others rehearsed lines, waited for hair and makeup, and made minor adjustments to their costumes. To Katherine, she would have thought it was an actual performance rather than a rehearsal based off of the rush backstage.

Katherine was there for an hour alone just asking questions about the play and writing in detail about the humor and drama introduced into the production. Soon, Darcy and the theatre professor—an enthusiastic woman named Medda Larkin—led Katherine onto the stage. She turned around, marveling at the two large, magnificent backdrops that were situated in their places for when they would be drawn out.

"How many people worked on these?" Katherine asked Medda, her fingers trailing down the paper of her notepad.

"Just one talented young man. He started in October and finished just a week ago," Medda had a smile on her face, her hands on her hips as she observed the backdrops alongside Katherine and Darcy.

"They're really good," Katherine noted. Medda and Darcy nodded in agreement. "Do you mind if I take a picture?"

"Not at all, dear!" Medda expressed. "Take as many as you'd like!"

Katherine withdrew her camera and snapped several photos. "Do you know if the artist is currently here?"

"He hasn't come since he's finished them," Darcy answered.

"And his name?" Katherine looked up from her camera, setting the device back into her bag.

"Jack Kelly."

Katherine nodded slowly, saying nothing more until she felt Medda's hand tenderly land on her shoulder and the woman's warm voice say, "Why don't you stay and watch the rehearsal? We'd love to have feedback from a member of the public!"

"I'm afraid I can't, Miss Medda," Katherine responded, tucking the notepad and pen by her camera. "I have someone to meet back towards the dorms. But I'm most definitely coming to see it when you guys are performing!"

"Well, we can't wait to have you see it. Come visit anytime, dear."

"Thank you, Miss Medda. Break a leg!"

Katherine exited the building, one destination on her mind. Of course, it wasn't to see that one person specifically, it was only to see if he was there. For if he was there, that meant he was waiting to see if she would be there. And that would be the only answer she'd need to her unanswered questions.

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