Someone Evil

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Once we got Storm on his bed I silently asked him if I needed to remove his hood and he gave me a slight nod. He was sweating yet freezing to the touch. I had no idea what was happening he told me it was something more than a flashback, but what? I told Starlight to get the ambrosia, Hope to get some water and cloth, and Dove to get some nectar. While they were getting those things, I turned my attention back to my brother, I could tell he was fighting it hard, but it was obviously no use.

Annabeth was holding his hand until he started to shake again and tensed up. He let go and held onto the side of his bed as the pain pulsed throughout his body. It must be extremely bad because his knuckles were turning white from his grip. I smiled in my mind, thinking of how he let go of Annabeth's hand so he wouldn't hurt her. His eyes where shut tight from the pain. He then relaxed for a moment as he took a deep breath and let go of bed. His breathing was still a little shallow but it had evened out.

"Storm?" I asked with a uneasy tone. No response. "Percy? Can you hear me" But there was nothing. He didn't acknowledge me at all. He must have passed out.

After we gave him ambrosia and nectar, he looked a little better but his breathing is what worried me the most. It sounded like he was having trouble; it would be deep and even but then would turn and be short, quick, and shallow breaths. It scarred me.

"I need to go contact Chaos." I told Annabeth, then go up from his side. I stood there for a moment, I didn't want to leave him here, I wanted to be with him. I think Annabeth must have understood because she told me that she would watch him closely for any changes.


I was in my office going over some files about another war about to take place on some planet when I felt a cold, and painful feeling come over me. 'Something just happened on earth...' I thought to myself. That's when Avenger contacted me......

"Lord Chaos we need your assistance NOW....." He said in a quick breath, "'s Storm."

As soon as he said my sons name I teleported to his location.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"His room." Avenger responded.

When I walked in Percy was on his bed passed out. Annabeth was holding his hand with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked as I walked over and touched his head to see if I could reach him through the mind, but it was blocked by something? How could that be?

"It started with a flashback, but it wouldn't end. I thought it was just a bad flashback until he told me it was something more. That's the only thing he could get out. He passed out from the pain about two hours ago. And his breathing is off, it is steady at points but then changes to staggered and short breaths." Avenger replied with grief evident in his voice.

I must nodded quickly, trying to find a way pass the blockage in Percy's mind. The thing is, with him being passed out, I should be able to get through easily, but I can't.

"What are you doing?" Avenger asked hopefully.

"I'm trying to get inside his head to see what happened, but it's blocked and I don't know how." I explain quickly and get back to the task.

Avenger just nods in reply while watching eagerly.

'Yes!!!' I scream in my mind as I find a fault in the blockage. I push through and what I see on the other side makes me want to punch someone. Percy is chained to a wall out cold, there is a tall figure in front of him with his back towards me. His aura of power is dark and evil it's the exact opposite of mine. 'WAIT! That can't be can it? But it is! How?!'

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