Chapter 1

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Maria's POV

It was 6:30 in the evening and mom was yet to come home. Why am I not surprised? Not only is she rarely here due to countless hours of working overtime at the local hospital but, it's like she forgets that she even has a daughter living with her at times. It so frustrating always having to being a 16 year old mom of myself and do all the following alone: cooking, homework, laundry, cleaning, and even questioning why she has came home so late. I guess this is why my dad finally decided to leave her.

I've always had quite a hard time trying to fit in any social event and unfortunately school is one of them. Everyone constantly ignores me yet I always get picked on by fucking bullies just for being smart. Like,how can you pick on somebody just for wanting to succeed in their life and you don't?  But that's fine, I don't like anybody in my school anyways. I bet no one would even notice if I had suddenly disappeared from there completely. What assholes.

To cope with my sudden depression, I've been snooping around on my laptop and found this chatting website. Kinda like Facebook but I don't like using Facebook since all the lame ass students from school have managed to practically bully me off of that as well. I'm kinda glad they did though because if they hadn't, I would've never my Match Made in Heaven. 

From what I've known when chatting up with this special boy is: His name is Logan, he's 18, in college, has a car, single- though I can't understand why since he's so goddamn handsome based off his profile picture, he lives only 2 hours away from my location, and he has a thing for girls at least a couple years younger and shorter than him. Yep, I've hit the jackpot. I don't know why he never tells me his last name since he loves to use mines so much when were talking but I'm cool with it.

Everyday for the past 2 weeks Logan and I have been chatting with each other through our laptops and he's been wondering if he could possibly see me in person- if it was okay with me, that is. I'm totally fine with it. I mean what's there to lose? My mom is hardly ever home. I don't care too much about school to even bother to show up anyway. And I can finally experience the real world for once instead of being sheltered between two places my whole life: school and home.

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