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Suga's POV
I sat on my bed, listening to music while finishing off my homework. Some people say that listening to music while simultaneously trying to work distracts you and ends up making your work not as good as usual. This doesn't apply to me in the slightest. I work much better with music when I'm at home, because when I'm at home...

I took out one ear piece to investigate whether or not the war outside of my room had died down. It hadn't. I heard my mother screaming, my father yelling over the top of her. It seems to get louder with every sound. I should be used to this... I had stopped crying over it a couple years ago now but I still felt my heart sink whenever this happened. My heart always begins to ache when I hear it. It's like my heart literally breaks. I went to put my ear piece back in and listen to music when I heard a smash. I know it's unhealthy to listen in on the fights but I felt the urge to. I didn't have to listen to much though.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE!" My mother's voice cracked as she screamed those words with all she had left inside of her.

A pause. It was only a few seconds of silence but it felt like the world stopped for years. Peacefulness filled the house for just a short time. The calm words of my father broke the painstakingly quiet moment. "Fine. I will."

A loud, abrupt sound rung in my ears. The door slammed.

I took out my other ear piece quickly and ran to my bedroom door. I swung it open dangerously fast and ran out to the front door. Passing my mother with tears staining her cheeks. I ran out into the cold night to see my father walking down the drive way towards his car at the back. I ran in front of him to stop him in his path.

He was crying as well. "What are you doing, Yoongi?"

I wanted to scream at him. Tell him he can't leave. Tell him that being married for that long and just leaving her isn't okay. Until a thought crossed my mind. What if it would be better if he just... left. The fighting would stop. I would be able to hear myself think again. They would be happier... maybe.

I began to cry for the first time in years. Tears fell down my cheeks like a river over a boulder. I felt a rain drop on my head. I wrapped my arms around my father and hugged him. He hugged me back. I felt safe for once.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked my phone to see a message from Jin.

Taehyung. Hospital. Now.

My father saw the message. "I'll give you a lift" He smiled and I thanked him.


I stepped into the room to see Taehyung in the bed surrounded by my friends. His face and body was covered with bruises and cuts. His father did this. We all knew it.

I saw Hobi. He watched me as I walked over next to him. He noticed my dried tears. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll explain later. I'm fine" I smiled to reassure him but he didn't seem convinced.

"Come with me" He said simply, taking my hand. This one small gesture made my heart skip a beat.

My heart began to pound as he dragged me down the hallway to an empty room.

He turned to face me and looked me in the eyes. "Tell me what happened"

I told him everything and spilled out my heart to him. I had never told anyone that much before. I held back my tears. Don't cry in front of him, don't cry in front of him.

He pulled me into a tight, warm, loving hug. I felt like I was home. I let out a tear. I didn't say a word but I thought of something that I wouldn't have the guts to say whether it was life or death. I love you, Jung Hoseok.  I wish I had the guts to say those words. It wouldn't happen though, not in another lifetime.

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