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Slash's POV

"I love the smell."

"The smell of what?"

"Records." I giggle, flipping through the 'B' section and placing the new order of Black Sabbath records we got in yesterday. Master of Reality. 

"I mean, I guess." Izzy shrugged, lighting a cigar and placing it in between his lips, huffing and blowing out.

"Hey!" I run up to him and snatch the cigar from his hand, scuffing it and putting out the flame into the ashtray on the counter of our store on the left side of the cash register. "No smoking in here."

"That was my last damn cig!" Izzy through his hands in shock and glared at me and I grinned, running back and adding new Metallica records. "You owe me a pack of Camels."

"Geez, fine." I snicker, biting my lip as my stomach dropped. It was almost 12, almost time to meet with Axl.

"Just cuz you're nervous about your little date doesn't mean you gotta be a bitch." Izzy rolled his eyes, then immediately threw on a fake smile as a lady walked in. "Hello, ma'am. How are you today? Looking for anything specific?"

Izzy was good at that, faking things. He could be in the shittiest mood and you'd never know. 


Axl's POV

"Tommy, I don't think I can do this." I huffed, wiping my sweaty palms onto my nice black skinny jeans. I threw on a Misfits shirt, then a leather jacket, inspecting myself in the mirror. 

"Which part?" Tommy cocked his head, sipping beer and lounging on Axl's bed, watching him with prying eyes. "The date, or getting close to him and tearing him apart."



Slash's POV

I sat down on a leather bar stool in front of Nikki who was smiling and staring at me. I frowned.


"You're so cute when you're nervous."

"Shut up!" I snapped, hiding behind my curls and blushing madly. "I'm not nervous."

"Yes you are. You're biting your lip and not making eye contact." Nikki gave me a satisfied smirk and grabbed the whipped cream bottle, spraying a swirl onto the top of the frappuccino I ordered as I waited for Axl. I'm not addicted to coffee, what are you talking about?

"You know me too well, Sixx." I smiled and shaked my head, licking the icing off the top of the coffee, feeling the cream dissolve when it hit my tongue. 

"Mm, looks like your man's here." Nikki grinned and nodded at the figure walking into the shop with a 'ring' from the bell on top of the door. I turned my head to look at him. What a fucking model.

"Hey, cutie." Axl smirked at me, reaching out for my hand. "Shall we go?" 

I giggled, actually fucking giggled, and took his hand, standing up and following him out the door.

"Take care of my Slash, Rose!" Nikki shouted as the door closed.


We got in his blue pickup truck and I nervously put my hands in my lap, riding shotgun. 

"Alright, Saul. What shall we do first?" Axl grinned as he turned to me, resting on arm out the window of his beat up truck, the other on the steering wheel. I shrugged, a smile dancing on my lips.

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