Chapter 12 | Picnic

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A/n: I just want to say to this start... THANK YOU! When I saw that this story has over 400 reads, I was like: Do people actually read this shit?

I was laying on my bed reading some manga that I had in my back bag, so I didn't notice these three certain people stalking me. Until I heard a loud noise.


"Wut-?" I look where the noise came from and saw my rooms' door wide open, three people laying on the ground. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them confused. 

"W-we are so so so sorry lady (Y/n)! Yes we are!" Mey-rin said when she got up and bowed million times. Finny started almost cry and beg forgiveness. Bard only saying once sorry. 

"J-just tell me why you guys are here." I said little uncomfortable. "We were worried 'bout ya, (Y/n). Because there has been so much going on. You runnin' away, then gettin' kidnapped." Bard told me.

"Aww... you guys... ;u; You don't need to worry! I'm fine!" I said laughing a little bit.

"What about I hangout with you all today??" 

"Really?!?!?!" Finny asked, sounding he was about to cry. "Yeah! If it is okay for you all?" I asked.

"Of course lady (Y/n)!!!!" They all shouted. "Good! :) And drop that lady thing >:("

"Yes ma'am!" 

"That's even worse!!!!"


We chose to go to a picnic, so we had to cook. We cooked all together and the food came out really good. We went to this beautiful field full of flowers, the sun was shining and no clouds to be seen.

We lay down a blanket so we could sit on it. We placed the food on it and everyone's mouth were watering. When they were about to dig in, I stopped them.

"Wait!" I shouted, and they listened. They looked at me confused. "We need to take a picture!" I said happily. "A picture? But how?" Asked Finny.

I took out a small camera that I had with me. And every one looked at it. "What is that?" Bard asked. "It's small so small!" Mey-rin said. "Is that a... camera?!?!?" Finny wondered. "Yep! Now say 'cheese'!"

"Cheese!" They all said and I snapped a pic. "Look guys!" I showed them the small screen. "WOW!!!" They all look so amazed. 

"Now let's dig in!" I said laughing. We ate a lot, but somehow there was still food... A lot. We were exhausted. We were in food coma for quite a long time.

After almost one hour passing I jumped up all energized.

"Let's play tag!" I said. "Okay!" They all said, at the same time. "Who will be the tag?" I asked. 

They pointed at each other. "Sigh* I can be the tag first..." I sighed. "Now, run" I said creepily and they ran.

First I was after Bard. He was fast, but not fast enough. He tagged Mey-rin next, and she had problems tagging somebody else, because she was so clumsy.

The game went on really long time, until we all were tired and just laid on the field. Looking at the sky. I sit up and started to do flower crowns.

"Hey everybody." I said, they sat up and looked at me. "Yeah what is it (Y/n)?" Bard asked me. I placed a cute flower crown on his face, he started to blush. Then I put a flower crown on Finny's head, he looked like he was about to faint. His face was red as a tomato. When I placed a flower crown on Mey-rin's head she fainted. 

"M-Mey-rin?!" I was worried if she was okay. "Ahh... T-t-t-t-thank you, (Y/n)" She said blushing while laying on the field. "Heh... You're welcome." I smiled.

Then the wind flew and some flower petals flew around us beautifully.

-Finny's POV-

When the wind started to blow, (Y/n) looked amazing. How her (h/l) (h/c) hair flew in the wind, and how the flower petals just made it look perfect. She was true beauty. I was truly in love with her, even though I haven't gotten to talk with her a lot.

I just knew that I loved her.

-Bard's POV-

Looking at (Y/n) right now made me realize, how perfect she was. Se was kind, beautiful, loving, adventurous and unique. There was nothing that you could not love about her! I just wished that I could have somebody like that. But me being so old ;-; Well at least I'm not old as Tanaka.

-Mey-rin's POV-

How could somebody be such amazing person as (Y/n) is. I'm just a clumsy maid, I'm sure even Sebastian likes her ;-;

-Your POV-

We chatted and had so much fun. We played more games and ate more, until the sun was setting... 

"Oh the sky looks so amazing!" Finny admired the sky. "Yep, it sure is." Bard said. We all sat down looking at the sky. I lay my head on somebody's' shoulder...

But who's?


A/n: >:D HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! Suffer!!!!  



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