Chapter 11 | (Y/n) go home???

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I was resting in Alois' room, because I still had small fever and Hannah had choirs to do. (A/n: Btw, you have a new clean nightgown now)

So I thought why not to go to shower, I was really dirty. So I make my way to the bathroom, what was like opposite of Alois' room. 

In the bathroom I turn the water on, strip out of my night gown and go to the shower. I cleaned up, took some random ass towel and dried myself with it. After I dressed back into my nightgown. As I exited the shower room I ran into a person, Claude.

He was standing outside of then bathroom, just waiting. "C-Claude?!" I stuttered so bad. I was kinda afraid of him after yesterday. 

"I see you went to have a shower, but I suggest you being resting in your room." He said calmly, but coldly.

My room? But wasn't it Alois's room...? Who cares!

"O-okay! I will do that.. right now... Bye!" I rush to Alois's room.

I close the door so loud, that I think even Queen Victoria heard it. I go to the bed and fall on it, my head spinning.

I hate you Claude.... -.-

I heard somebody open the door, so I quickly sat up on the bed, to only see Alois. "A-Alois!" I said little bit surprised. "Hello (Y/n)! How are you feeling?" He asked, while walking towards me. I slowly back away so I almost fell of the bed. "F-fine... I just need to rest..." I tried to turn cold shoulder to him.

"Awww... That's too bad..." Alois said sadly. "I would have loved to play with you!"

And what games!?!?!? O-o Some of those dirty games of yours, huh?!?!?

"Oh... w-well not today." I said. "Hmph..." He was getting obviously agitated by not getting the attention he wanted. But surprisingly he didn't push anything further and just left the room.

I sigh in relief. I lay back on the bed, before hearing somebodies voice. "Lady (Y/n). I have come to get you."

"Sebastian?!" I almost yelled when I heard him, I shot right back up to look at him. He picked me up into a bridle style. And with that we were out of the mansion, heading to Ciel's mansion.


When we got there Sebastian gently placed me to the ground standing up. All the three servants ran out of the mansion yelling my name. "(Y/n)!!!!!" They almost hugged me to death. When they let me go Ciel spoke, "(Y/n) welcome back... again. Please follow me, we have things to talk about." Ciel's voice was cold. 

I followed him inside the mansion and inside to his study room. We sat opposite of each other. 

"I want you to explain everything to me." He commanded coldly. "Well sure... I did explain to one person already... Alright then... You see..."

I explained Ciel everything, I had to prove to him by telling him what he only would know. So he in final believed me. Sebastian also was listening the whole conversation, of ours. Ciel didn't really react to the story. 

"So do you want to go back to home?" He asked me. "!!!" I was surprised from his sudden question. "Yes. I do want to go back to home. My family is there, and I don't belong here. I'm just messing up the story." I said sadly. "I would love to stay here, if I didn't have family back there. But anyways, I don't know how to get back, so that's another problem... what if... I will never see my family ever again?"

I was close to crying.

"(Y/n)... Sigh* I promise to try to find a way to get you back to your own world." Ciel said. "R-really? Thank you Ciel... ;u;"

When he saw my face he blushed a little bit. "Umm... Y-you should rest!" He stuttered.

"You're right, and thanks again Ciel!" I smiled at him before leaving the room.

-Ciel's POV-

I knew there was something about her that made her different, but being from another world? I really don't want to lose her. What if I find a way to get her back to her own world? Could go with her there? I don't have anything here that would make me want to stay in this hellhole.

I was deep in thought, until Sebastian placed a tea cup in front of me. "Here m'lord" He said 'happily'. "Tch" I take the tea cup and sip from it little bit. "Too bitter!" I complained. He put more honey in it, when I sipped it again it was perfect.

I finish the tea and go back to my work, but really just thinking about her only and nothing else.

-Sebastian's POV-

Lady (Y/n) story is interesting, her being from another world, how interesting indeed.

I went to the kitchen to do the dishes and my other choirs, but only having o stop Bard from blowing up the kitchen up again. And stopping Mey-rin from destroying all the new plates.

After all of that, I chose to go get some flowers from the garden for lady (Y/n). But Finnian was trying to hide the tree that he accidentally broke. These servants were only trouble in this mansion. I had to take care of everything.

Finally when I was done with Finnian, I got the flowers and went to lady (Y/n) who was laying on her bed awake. "Hello lady (Y/n)" I said charmingly. "Yo..." She said bored. I placed the flowers into a vase and placed that on her nightstand. "Hey Sebastian?"

"Yes my lady?"

"Do you know where is my back bag?"

"The bag that you had when you first came here?"

"Yeah! Have you seen it?" When she asked that I was holding her bag. "Oh! Thank you Sebastian!" She took the back bag, and bulled this book. "Now I can read my mangas that I have with me!" She looked so happy. Her smile was beautiful.

I leave the room happily.


A/n: It's so late ;-; I should be sleeping.... Well anyways.. I felt like writings so! Nobody can stop meh! :'3



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