Chapter 7: Finding Lucy Pt. 2

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Natsu's POV:

We caught a train to my dismay. Wendy used her weird magic thingy and I felt better. All I could think of was Lucy, I really loved her and I lost her.

"We're here!" Carla said, we all walked off the train and left the station.

"There it is." I mumbled as I looked at the giant mountain. I would climb 10 mountains just to see Lucy again. I just hope she's okay. I thought, she is all I can think of but it was like that before.

We started to climb the mountain, I was exhausted. But my love kept me going.

"Slow down Natsu!" Carla said, "Wendy's falling behind." She said, I was far away from everyone else. I was so determined, I WOULD find her!

We got to the top of the mountain but nothing was there. I dropped to my knees. "No! Lucy, where are you?" I asked.

Lucy's POV:

I was so alone, the only person I'd seen in hours was the guards who came a few minutes after I woke up. Natsu was all I could think about. Will he come look for me? I hope so.

Natsu's POV:

"We came all this way just to not find anything!?" Great shouted in anger.

"Wait! There's an invisible wall here!" Levi exclaimed, "I can break the spell with my magic and then we can go in!" She said.

"Great job!" Lilly said happily.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled, Levi started to write on some papers tripping to figure it out.

"Okay, how long will this take!?" I added concerned.

"Well at least an hour and a half." Levi said sadly.

"Dang it!" I said quietly as I clenched my fist. They could be hurting her or worse! I can't take this. I walked away trying to get my mind off of her because if I have to wait for an hour and a half I can't deal with it. I found a rock that was hanging off the side of the mountain that I sat on. It was sunsetting, it reminded me of when Lucy and I were in the ski resort. Everything was perfect, I love her and I didn't tell her! And now she could be in there dead and it's my fault. Tears were now streaming down my face. How could I have been so stupid! I guess you really don't appreciate what you have until it's gone. No! I appreciated Lucy when she was with me. I came here to forget her but it's making it worse. I couldn't hold back anymore, I cried hard. I missed her, I remember this feeling of pure sadness. When Igneal left it felt just like this, yet completely different.

"You really love her, don't you?"

I jerked around to see that Gray was behind me.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I said quickly wiping my tears away.

"Would you stop being so dense!" He said, "You obviously love her, why won't you just admit it!" What he said made sense. I do love her but I can't tell Gray. I shook my head and looked away. He came and say next to me.

"I know you Natsu." Gray said, "and as much as I think you're a stupid mouth breather, I hate seeing you like this. It's not your fault! Trust me on this." He said, he put his hand on my shoulder and got up and walked off. He'd never been that nice to me. He knew how much I missed her. He was still an ice princess but he was cool...for now.

I decided to rejoin the group. I gave Gray a quick glance, we smiled at each other. Gajeel was with Levi, Juvia was stalking Gray who was talking with Lilly, Erza and Wendy and Happy and Carla were talking under a tree. That looked comfortable so I decided to sit under a different tree. I felt something in my pocket. It was a picture we all took after our first mission as a team. Gray, Erza, Happy me and Lucy. I missed her, back then I didn't know who I stumbled in to but boy am I glad I did. I smiled to myself. I liked thinking about the good times with Lucy. All of a sudden a giant fortress appeared in front of us.

"I did it!" Levi yelled jumping to her feet and grabbing Gajeel and hugging him around the neck.

"Okay, it's time for us to head out and scout out the area!" Lilly exclaimed.

"AYE SIR!!" Happy said as he Carla and Lilly flew off. They came back a few minutes later.

"We saw a heavily guarded tower on the left side of the fortress, we think that's where they're holding Lucy!" Carla explained.

"Well, what are we waiting for!?" I remarked wile running towards the tower.

"It's not going to be that easy!" Lilly said stopping me. "The area is heavily guarded. We'll have to get them to come away to fight us while you go in and get Lucy!" He said with a grin.

"Sounds good but how do you suppose we do that!?" Erza asked.

"I don't know, but we have to somehow get their attention." Lilly said unknowingly.

"HEY!!!! OVER HERE!!!!" Happy yelled. All the guards looked at us and started running towards where we are.

"Well that solves our problem!" Lilly remarked, "Go Natsu!" He yelled at me.

"With pleasure!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the tower fighting people along the way. Then I got stopped by a woman wearing blue tinted armer and had bright neon green hair.

"Hello, SALAMANDER!" She remarked angrily, "You've come to save your celestial friend, yes?" She asked provokingly.

"Yes I have!" I yelled.

"Well I'm sorry but you'll never get the keys!" She remarked.

"The keys!?" I asked confused. Why would Death's Head want Lucy's keys?

"Surely you know, Lucy had a fine collection of golden keys! They go for allot of money on the black market." She said with a smirk.

"You took her away from me for money!" I was enraged. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I yelled, a flame engulfing my hand as I went to punch her, but she disappeared. Just like the guy from the giant robot. I ran towards the tower kicking open all the doors on the way. I looked everywhere, I was really discouraged when I herd something.


It was Lucy! I ran up a flight of stairs but nothing was there then I heard it again.


I put my hand on the wall and pushed, the wall moved over to the side there was a hidden passageway! I ran down the hallway that was lined with cells and then, in the last cell.

"Lucy!" I said as tears streamed down my face, "I found you!" I added.

"I always knew you would."

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