The End of the world

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Everything is drifting away

Like the wooden planks

I see below in the turbulent tide,

Eager to reach another place -

A comfortable, happy, warm place...

Ah! Memories - the bane and boon of mankind...

The record of laughter and tears,

Of togetherness...the pages of past...

The present rushes around me,

Perspectives are forming anew...

As I stand on the deck, lost and forgotten,

Useless and abandoned,

I foresee a field reversal,

The ruin of my whole Universe...

The sound of shattering soul

Is drowned in the commotion,

The vacant eyed smile

Goes unnoticed by myopic eyes,

The fragile mask of courage

Remains intact, undisturbed...

The only string between them and me

Is the robotic round-the-clock help

And I cling onto those wires

Trying my best to fit in - find a place

Under their wings' shelter

Despite the long faces and hard eyes.

I see rats fleeing our ship

As impending doom looms near

And I stand alone in the crowd,

Not knowing how to align me

In the new world that may form:

A silent, timid, helpless spectator...

May be this is what I need:

A chance to fly off independently,

No longer living in the lost past...

Let me take a step forward

And test the strength of my wings.

It could either make me whole

Or break me into minuscule pieces...

But anything is better than dubiety

And this pathetic war for acceptance!

I take a deep breath and step forward

Into the arena, with as much valour as I could muster

And cautiously perch myself on the railings,

Taking a second to calm the racing heart

Before spreading my unused wings

And taking off, braving the unknown...

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