Thank you...

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Some teachers not just ignite your minds; they ignite your soul. I consider myself to be lucky to have got the opportunity to sit in such a Professor's class.In addition to the vast knowledge on the subject, she passed on several values of life, that too on each and every student, without any trace of partiality. This is a humble attempt to bind all her teachings in a few lines of poetry. I'm sure it will be worth a hundred motivational speeches.

Thank you

Like an unwavering flame of lamp in deepening dark,

Your words will guide us in journeys we embark:

“Never say never; just help yourself.

Fear won’t touch you if you are true to yourself.

Never suppress your conscience and inner voice 

Or else, you will go wrong while making a choice.

Life is unpredictable – sometimes sweet, sometimes sour.

Hence, it is not joy, but realization you should pray for.

At first, you may not be at the top 

But for improvement, there is always scope.

Realize what is the maximum a person who 

Is from a background similar to you can do 

Achieve that and strive for more;

In life, you will victoriously soar.”

We have realized so many new things,

Imbibed them, started to spread our wings...

You have nurtured our mind and fortitude

And no words can fathom our gratitude.

We ardently wish hope and believe

That true happiness only, you will receive…

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