Round 1.1 (Picture Round)

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Twelve pictures have been posted, five of which you must use in your story. The pictures must play a significant part in the story.

You will need to submit a story between 2,000 to 6,000 words long.

You must try your best to thrill or mystify the judges.

Every story is judged on:

- Overall mystery/thriller theme.

- The integration of all 5 pictures into your story.

- Spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

- Overall enjoyment of the story.


1) Keep the story within the word count. 1 point deducted for every 25 words over/under the word count. For example 200 words over = 8 point deduction.

2) Make sure you dedicate your story/first chapter to SimpleDeduction. Otherwise 1 point is deducted.

3) It is a nice gesture to the other judges if you write in parts to dedicate a part to them as well. The other judges are RichardStaschy and stringcheeze.

4) At the beginning of the story you must notate what 5 pictures you used. You will also need to note your word count here as well. Otherwise 1 point is deducted.

5) Every day your story is late, you will be deducted one point.

When you have finished writing your story please post the link in the thread and tag both SashaWindrider and SimpleDeduction.

I will also be posting the links for the stories in the Mystery/Thriller Smackdown 1.0 book as they are turned into me.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.

Good luck!

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