The Story of Them (Vincent): Chapter 14

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Several years have passed, and it was the beginning of the technological age! Inventors were making grand breakthroughs with their machines!

The two children have come so far. They both worked very hard in their studies. We were able to teach them languages, music, and art!

Johann had grown, into a fine young boy, though he continued to remain speechless. Instead, he communicated through paintings and signs. He had developed into a spectacular apprentice. His personality shifting from chipper and wild, to docile yet merry. Alexander seemed to grow quite fond of him over the years. It was the first time I have ever seen Alexander grow so attached to someone, a human at that.They followed one another wherever they went, they seemed to be inseparable!

Alicia has grown and matured greatly as well. What was once a small, strong little girl is now an even stronger woman. She continued to work dutifully in her studies and paid no heed to things other than that. She demanded more than what was the norm. More knowledge, more power! She was as eager as she was in the beginning. She was very observant, absorbing the world through the quiet storm that were her eyes. She remained tranquil at times, the slightest hint of emotion escaping rarely. It was hard to decipher what she was thinking at times, although she would tell me if I asked.

Alexander and I, however, have barely changed. We continued to stay as young as immortal gods, though our age was well into our prime years. The two of us seemed to become distant towards one another over time. We continued to speak in conversational fragments but there was nothing more.

We lacked common ground. The two of us seemed to be on opposing sides unfortunately. We lost ourselves in our own self studies. I cannot say that I did not mind. There were numerous times where I longed to sit down for a meal with him, just the two of us, and reflect, but my wish did not come to pass.I realized that we had suddenly grown apart and that I may have lost a brother...

Alicia entered the library silently, a technique she has mastered well over the years, and placed a hefty book in front of me, opening it to the page she desired.

My eyebrows raised curiously as I leaned back in my seat, questioning her sudden intrusion. "What is this, now?"

"It is a book." she answered simply.

"Well yes, I can see that." I muttered, "but what are its contents?"

Alicia was hesitant, but then spoke quietly. "It is a spell book."

"I beg your pardon?" I shouted, incredously.

Alicia remained patient. "You have heard me correctly."

My eyes were wide. "But....where did you...surely you have not...."

Alicia spoke no words.

I abruptly stood up, my eyes locked onto her calm face. Alicia's eyes were cast down to the desk beneath her. I held my hand outstretched towards her, in a receiving gesture. "Relinquish the book to me."

I saw her bite her lip and grip the book's edges. She seemed to be contemplating.

"Alicia." I spoke in a warning tone.

Slowly, she slid the book over to me, and clasped her hands behind her back, her gaze still on the desk.

I grasped it and closed it quickly. "Tell me, how did you come about this?"

"I am sure you know."

"I want to hear it from you."

"I....I retrieved the book from the demon Cuthda."

Of course.

"Tell me the steps in which you took."

I heard Alicia sigh, exasperatedly. "I waited until the stroke of midnight, when the mechanical clock chimed. I secluded myself from the rest of the world in a clearing far from the estate. I lit candle wax and created a summoning circle with human blood and placed a living sacrifice in the center. A baby lamb it was."

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