Chapter 1

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  *beep beep beep*

Ugh I dont feel like getting up it's 4:30am! Why school gotta start so early ?!

I got up and went to my bathroom.  Lawd my hair is a mess! I turned on Pandora and got in the shower and sang along with my hubby August Alsina.

I got out and did my hygiene stuff and went to my closet. Its just beginning to get a little cool outside since autumn finally came. So I decided to put on my black long sleeve v-neck, some black jeans, and my 13s. I curled my hair a little, did my make up , now I was ready to go.

It was already 6:00am and I meed to get to my bus in 3 minutes.  I yelled bye to my Gran and ran to the bus stop. Thank god I did those two weeks of conditioning for track because I just made it.

I sat in my usual spot on the bus next to my bestfriend Chubbie. We never call eachother by our real names and only we can say the nicknames. We have a very unique friendship.

"Hey Chubbie"

"Hey, how was your weekend?"

" You know the usual. Stay home and have no life"

" Man I wish I could just take you for a week so you could have some fun"

"I'd love that but you know that can't happen unfortunately"

Chubbie frowned and put his head down to sleep. I decided to get on instagram and see what I missed last night.  As always, it was just likes and guys commenting , tryna spit game. I don't  bother in replying to most since they ain't about nothing. So I started scrolling through my TL when I saw my notifications blow up. I went to this guy's page and returned the likes.  Then he asked for my kik. I don't usually give it out but something about him made me.

We finally got to school and me and Chubbie parted ways since he's a junior and I'm a sophomore , we have different set of friends. I walked up to my girls and we were kinda matching.

"I see yall tried to match me that's wassup" I laughed

"Girl aint nobody tryna match you " Peokie snapped at me.

" Well damn who took your candy this morning"

" Her mama made her mad. Talking bout if she wanted lunch money yesterday she should've got some from her sister" Lala said.

"Why didn't she?"

"Because she so ughhhh" Peokie said angrily.

I was about to mess with Peokie but decided against it . I found Amoya and went to our spot on the band hall. We sat in the corner and was just chilling,  when my phone started binging.

"Dang we haven't even been in school a good 20 minutes and guys hitting you up" she laughed.

" Aye what can I say , they like me. Not my fault" I shrugged.

I scrolled through the messages and it was just a lot of "Morning Beautiful" or "Good morning cutie". Then I saw I got a message from the guy from IG.

Text Mode




Me-Chillin wbu

Melvin- just heading to school and talking to a cute girl. What's your name?


Melvin-what school you go to? and I'm Melvin the way


Melvin- oh cool I go to MHS but  I gotta go ima text you later.

End of  Text mode

I decided to go be  nosey and look on IG to see how he looking. To my surprise he was really cute. He had jet black  hair and dark brown eyes, and he looked about 6'1. By the way things looked he was single. I don't see why. He does football, So you know he got muscle.

* Ring Ring*

Ugh time to go to class. I hate History class. Majority of my class doesn't even pay attention and everyone cheats on the test. But I guess its like they say "Cheat or reapeat".

I walked  in and sat with my friends.  Good thing about me I have friends in every class and lunch so I don't have to worry about being alone.

"Hey peeps"

"You're such a nerd" Omo joked.

"So I'm a cute nerd. Don't hate" I laughed.

"Girl ain't nobody hating.  Calm Down"

"Yea yea . So what dumb stuff we gotta do today?"

"Some group project thing" Ren said while smiling at her phone.

Most likely she texting her boyfriend Jay. They both so sprung its ridiculous but its cute.

I wish I could find something like that. Just gotta wait I guess.

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