Part 3

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Hannah's p.o.v

"We should also talk about last week." Mr. Collins continued. "Should we?" I replied. "Yes. What's the reason you were late?" "Are you serious? I don't know I just was in a deep conversation and forgot about the time." I moaned. "Well then keep this deep conversation outside of school. Alright?" he said bugged. I just nodded. "Am I allowed to go now?" I asked. "No of course your not you still have detention." he responded distantly. I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to say anything?" he asked since he noticed I rolled my eyes. "No. I don't want." I mumbled. "After those exercises you can go home." he handed me a pile of paper over. This guy is joking isn't he? I will need ages for this. To save me for even more trouble I didn't disagree and took the exercises.

Like I've thought I needed ages for it and the fact that Mr. Collins kept staring at me didn't make it easier. Meantime he was luckily busy correcting something. Actually he was really nice last Friday. I mean if you overlook the fact that I kissed that guy whose my freaking teacher. I didn't know what to think anymore. I couldn't get my eyes of him. Those blue eyes and the kind of messy hair. He even wore an AC DC shirt instead of his normal blazer which looked really good.

"What's wrong Hannah?" And again he caught me starring at him. "Umm." I said so I would have time left thinking about my answer. "So um there's an exercise I don't understand. Could you explain it eventually?" This was the dumbest excuse you have ever said Hannah. Ever. Argh.  Apparently Collins thought I'm serious as he stands up walking behind my chair. He leaned on the back of my chair and I could literally feel his breathing. Damn. "Which one?" he asked. Great I didn't even read anything of it. I've ended up pointing to some task. "Well..." he said. "You just have to point out the negative effects of the Second Amendment and compare it with the system of the UK. But you're right the task isn't clear for sure." he explained. "Alright um thank you." He didn't make any appearance to move which made the whole situation very uncomfortable. "I think you can go now." he said breaking the silence. Wait what? I did not expect that. "Just do those tasks and show me them tomorrow. Ok?" "Sure." was the only thing I've said. He still didn't move and I've noticed a sweet little smirk. But it didn't last too long. "Could you..." I've pointed at the chair where his hand still leaned on. "Oh yeah sorry!" he said embarrassed and went back a few steps so I could get up.  "See you tomorrow." Mr. Collins said. "Bye."

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