Chapter 9: Clash of Legendary Rivals!

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~Vile's Plan - Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X~

"Bass Kai?" Mega Man Neo inquired, raising a brow.

The so called "Bass Kai" nodded in confirmation. Neo looked on at the individual before him; His determined, young, innocent blue eyes gazing at the enigma's cold, slightly mature, and calculating crimson eyes. Although he was standing only 10 feet away from Bass Kai, he can feel this...negative aura surrounding him. Though, despite that, Neo felt no need to see this one as an enemy...Yet.

"That is right..." Bass Kai answered. "You must be...Mega Man Neo...Correct?"

Neo nodded. "Uh-huh. Guess you've heard of me...?"

"How could I not?" Bass Kai said, sneaking a little genuine smile, though Neo could not tell from afar. "Your reputation in 15% of the Enstratos Region has grown in merely a few hours. Admittedly, that is impressive."

Neo turns his eyes to the Combi-Carrier to face Mega Man. "Hey, does the name 'Bass Kai' ring a bell to you?"

Mega Man looks at Neo with a confused yet stern expression. "No...Well, sorta...I don't know who he is, but he does look familiar..."

Bass Kai frowned and subtly looks at the orange-filled horizon, eying closely at the Gli-Eye that hovered around the area patiently...and recording this scene... Kai focused his attention back on Mega Man Neo, squinting at him with his cold, crimson eyes.

"You are the one." Bass Kai says, causing Neo to look back at Kai with a perplexed emotion plastered on his face.


Bass Kai's blank expression remained. "Mega Man, the ancient robot from the 21st Century who has fought tirelessly against those who threatened the world...Before me stands that hero fused with a human being..."

Neo's and Mega's eyes widened in shock and awe. Neo had jumped a little upon hearing the facts coming from Bass Kai's mouth.

"Y-You know!?" Neo cried, pointing at Kai in awe.

"Yes, I know." Kai replied.

Neo suddenly began to get this chilling sensation from Kai. His slightly deep, teenage voice just gave Neo goosebumps, especially since this guy knew Mega Man was revived and fused with him.

"Hehehe, who else has that voice of a worry-wort hero!?"

Neo jumped again. He heard a voice but it did NOT come from Bass Kai.

"Wh-What!? Wh-Who said that!?" Neo said, trembling a little. This was getting a little freaky for the young hero. It was bad enough that his uncle and Jessie were disconnected after the explosion of the Hittite Hottide DX, but now he was face to face with someone who knew about him and Mega Man; Not to mention now he was hearing voices seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"You don't remember me, do you Mega Man?" The voice asked.

Mega Man's stern expression remained. He had a bad feeling about this entire situation here. "Who's there!?"

Bass Kai held a hand on his chest and smiled a little with his eyes closed. "Let me introduce you to my partner, Mega Man Neo."

Holographic static began to surround Bass Kai. Though...It looked like a static holographic image that was splitting from Bass Kai's body. Neo stared in awe as beside Bass Kai was a static hologram of another individual who looked REALLY similar to Bass Kai himself, but with a simpler armor design and a cobra-design for his helmet instead of the bat-ears design that Bass Kai had. His crimson eyes and villainous smile pierced through Neo and Mega.

"This is Bass, an ancient robot from the 21st Century and one of the strongest of it's time." Bass Kai introduced.

"Bass...?" Mega Man muttered. The name sounded so familiar to him, but he simply could not recall who he was. His appearance also began to enlighten the ancient Blue Bomber with a bit of his past. He sees...memories of him "sparring" with this Bass in a devastated highway. He didn't look like an enemy, though. He seemed like someone who was testing Mega Man.

"Long time no see, Mega Man..." Bass grinned with a look of glee. "...It's been too long!"

"You... I don't remember much of you..." Mega Man admitted, clutching his head, trying to recall Bass.

Bass' holographic image went back into Kai, disappearing from sight. Bass Kai placed a clenched fist underneath his chin. "Hmm, probably...Hibernation sickness...?"

"Hibernation Sickness? What are you talking about?" Neo inquired. 'Sounds like something from those sci-fi space films I used to watch...'

Bass Kai lowed his hand and glared at Neo. "You really don't know much, do you "Mega Man Neo"?"

Mega Man frowned and clenched his fists, giving the enigma before him a agitated expression. "You seem to know some things about me! Tell me, please!"

"Do you deserve to know?" Bass Kai asked. "As you are now, you seem weak."

Neo got angry with that comment. "Weak!?"

"Weak." Bass Kai repeated. "These Mavericks; The Galleons, the Hittite Hottide DX— All of them are nothing but easy pickings."

"Hittite Hottide DX? You must mean that mechaniloid we were fighting!" Mega Man Neo said in realization.

"It took someone else to defeat that mechaniloid for you. If I hadn't destroyed it, you would've lost." Bass Kai said, his tone and voice increasing it's volume in anger.

"We didn't need your help, buddy!" Mega Man Neo retorted, swinging his arm; getting angry himself. "We had it all covered!"

"Did you?!" Bass Kai barked.

His voice startled Neo for a second, but he regained his composure. "...Yeah...We did..."

Mega Man Neo knew he was right. If Bass Kai hadn't shown up, he probably would've taken some critical damage. However, he believes...No, he knows that he and Mega Man aren't weak! They together defeated Magne corrupted by a Model W!

Bass Kai could tell Neo was beginning to accept the fact that he would've lost without him. However, the fact that Neo was initially denying it angered him.

"You're a coward." Bass Kai spoke up.

"What did you say!?" Neo growled, clenching his fist.

"You're a coward. You are one who is afraid of death." Bass Kai said. "You are a weakling...No...The both of you are weaklings...Far too weak to take on the threat that is on the horizon..."

"We can take on anyone who threatens the innocents and this world!" Mega Man chimed.

"Is that so?" Bass Kai asked, raising a brow. Bass began to chuckle, his laughter originating from Kai himself.

"Can you defeat me, Mega Man?!" Bass questioned, anticipation.

"What?" Mega Man asked.

Bass Kai smiled sadistically. "You see, boys. Bass and I came after you for a reason..."

Neo slid his foot back, raising a brow and displaying a nervous expression. "You...Came after us?"

Bass Kai nodded. "Yes. Bass is here for Mega Man, and I am here for you, for slightly different reasons, mind you."

"I was born to defeat you Mega Man;a threat in my conquest to become the strongest in the world...!" Bass revealed.

"To become the strongest?" Mega Man asked, sounding a little agitated. "What a stupid goal! What's the point in it!?"

Before Bass could answer, Kai chimed in. "If you two truly believe that you have what it takes to "save the world", then fight us...! Defeat me and Bass and prove to us that you can do it!"

"Gladly!" Mega Man Neo glared and growled.

The Reborn Blue Bomber got into a battle stance, glaring at the Black Bomber before him. Bass Kai did the same, frowning at his opponent. He took his eyes off the hero, looking at the Gli-Eye in the sky observing the upcoming battle.

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