Chapter 7: Getting Well Acquainted

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Mega Man Neo slowly opened his eyes upon finally awakening from his slumber. Almost immediately, he noticed that he was in a location not familiar to him. It was a rather dark and small room with a single light above him. Neo could tell the main color scheme of this particular room (and possibly the rest of wherever he was) was navy blue.

Neo looked around and found out that he was sleeping on a non-movable metallic chair. He looked ahead and noticed a door and a large landscape window beside it.

"Nice to see you're finally awake."

Neo looked on his right wrist to see his Combi-Carrier. Mega was standing there inside the device with a deadpan look on his face.

"Mega, where are we?" Neo asked, raising an eyebrow as he further scanned the rather empty room.

Soon, the door turned on, sliding open and revealing a man with a yellow scarf around his neck. He carried a long black military staff and had brown hair and eyes.

"Greetings stranger." The man greeted.

Neo looked at the man. He was the same guy he saw on the balcony before he passed out.

"...Who are you?" Neo inquired, a bit of fear and uncertainty in her voice.

"I am General Maxwell Payne. I am the leader of the Milos Defense Force." He introduced, holding out his hand in expression. "More importantly, who are you?"

The General walked around Neo, making the boy feel uncomfortable. Mega whispered to his partner, saying 'stay calm'.

"I've received reports and comments about a mysterious 'Blue Armored Hero' roaming the cities destroying Mavericks. Most have dubbed you, the 'Blue Bomber'." General Payne snuck a smile. He actually liked the name. "You were the one who fought the leader of Tera City, Magne, and destroyed every single Maverick in the city."

The General stopped in front of the hero, leaning towards him with a suspicious look on his face.

"Am I wrong?"

Neo's eyes widen in fear. He shook his head rapidly. "No-No! Th-That's me! 'The Blue Bomber'! I saved the city!"

General Payne looked at Mega on the Combi-Carrier's screen. "Your little friend in here refused to answer any questions regarding you and your weaponry."

The General sat up, fixing his scarf into place. His gaze upon Neo was as sharp as a needle. It frightened the young hero. Mega, on the other hand, had a more concerned look on his face.

"Now that you are awake 'Blue Bomber'", General Payne began. "Perhaps you may tell me about your armor."

Neo perked up upon the mention of his armor.

'What does he want to know about my armor? WHY does he want to know about my armor?!' He thought, his inner mind looking quite distressed and "panic-y".

"It is very strong armor. No Maverick Ground Soldier could peel it off according to the reports I've received. You also seem to have an Arm Cannon of some sort, inhabiting charging-capabilities. If used improperly, this cannon could destroy an entire airship with ease." Payne squinted at the boy. "You wield a dangerous power, boy. I insist that you tell me ALL about the power you possess."

Mega looked at Neo and shook his head. He then looked at the General and spoke for his partner who was unable to speak at the moment due to confusion and anxiety.

Something Mega noted was that the reports say that no Maverick Ground Soldier could really make damage marks on the armor. While this was true, the armor wasn't completely invincible. Those Rainbow Devils managed to do so after fighting wave after wave of them in the castle.

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