The Awakening

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Deep in the jungles, a hyena could be heard baying, after killing an animal, probably a tapir. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, and rain fell in heavy pelts. Fletcher and two other battlemages stood on a platform above the soldiers in red uniforms. The weather reflected their mood as they stood waiting for a supposed attack broadcasted two hours ago by a Celestial Corps scout demon. The soldiers were all veterans armed to the teeth with rifles capable of firing 75 yards to pick of the front runners and also carried sabers, wicked looking curved blades capable of chopping off orcish limbs. The battlemages carried simple muskets along with their fearsome-looking demons alongside them. Right on cue, just as Sylva growled "Where are these cowards?", they appeared, hundreds of orcs streaming through the jungle to the barren land between the jungle and the trenches, cleared out years of heavy fighting along the lines. The battlemage behind Fletcher roared, "Battle positions! Reload and fire at will!". Sylva muttered, "At this rate, we'll be out of mana soon!". There had been several attacks that morning in Raleighshire, Fletcher's homeland, from the goblins that remained in the orcs' arsenal. They had since enlisted the help of another young novice from Vocans, the battlemage academy, who had a rare Enciten, a demon that most resembles a tiger, but with the back of a eagle. It was a close relative to the Griffin. He was back at the Raleighshire pass with the soldiers there. There was a chance that they would attempt another pincer attack and if they did a officer would be necessary to keep the troops in line. Fletcher yelled "Fire at the frontrunners! Don't let them come close", as the orcs advanced towards the trenches. They had the advantage of position as the orcs did not use long range weapons, but if the orcs reached the trenches the soldiers would be slaughtered. Suddenly they charged and the three battlemages began hurling fireballs at the orcs, as they came closer and closer. The third battlemage said, "should we summon our demons?", as Fletcher summoned Ignatius, his Drake out. Ignatius promptly dived into the lines and picked off the frontrunners with balls of fire and raking them with his sharp claws. The third battlemage, who happened a Lematur, a large ape like demon, did not dare to summon his demon since the large Lematur was too large of a target to be summoned. But one thing was for sure..... The Fourth Orcish War was about to start, and Fletcher was going to be at the center of it.......        

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