Smurfs vs Tea lovers

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Ammie's pov:

I'm glad I'm back. I really did miss everyone it felt more than two days. I may have forgiven Liam and the others for not believing me but I certainly am going to get my revenge on him, time for some pranking.

It was ten am and the boys normally wake up at twelve, so that gives me enough time. I went into the kitchen and found some custard, I then opened a can of spaghetti and put them to together and mixed them up in a bowl. It looks horrible.

I sneak past my room to still see Jennifer, Amy, Amber and Daisy asleep. Liam's first.

I saw all his shoes underneath his bed. I think I'll start with his most expensive high tops and converse and poured the mixture into all of his shoes. I could still here him snore. Oh wait, that's Niall.

Idiot. Even I can tell the difference between them you're meant to be his sister!

Don't start on me!

Alright you win this one!

I then went onto Niall, all of his shoes were messed up underneath his bed but at least he's tidier than Louis. All of his shoes were now filled with everything. I kind of went mad and put things in I found around the kitchen.

Right the next target is Harry. I went into his room and found him fast asleep. All of his shoes were again, like Niall all over the place. The good thing is that they were all designer and looked expensive. Oh well, say goodbye to your designer shoes Harry!

He can't hear you you know.

Just shut up.

Can't make me!

*Duct taped mouth shut*


Ha! Now tell me I can't shut you up.

Louis was next. His side looked like a volcano has hit, followed by a bomb. All his shoes were all over the place, I got all his TOMS together and poured in what I made, god at least the smell might wake them up.

I decided to leave Zayn out as he was the one who bought me back, now we wait.

A couple of hours later, a sleepy Liam came out of his room and went to the kitchen.

"Morning." I said trying hard not to smile.

"Hey" Liam said as he made himself tea.

Just then a sleepy Zayn came, followed by louis and Harry.

"Where's Niall?" I asked.

"Sleeping." Harry replied pouring himself some coco pops in.

"Do you want to do the honour Ammie?" Louis said.

"Yep!" I replied, skipping over to Niall's room.

I crept up to him.

"Wake up!" I shouted while jumping on his bed.

"Not the aliens!" Niall shouted jumping up.





"Okay Niall stop, we sound like macklemore." I said.

We walked back into the kitchen.

"We're running out of food, boys get your jackets we're going shopping." Liam said, making his way to his room.

"What about us?" Amy asked.

"You can stay here." Louis said grabbing his keys.

"Cool! Now Ammie can teach me how to play COD properly." Jennifer said.

Being Liam Payne's Sister (under extreme editing)Where stories live. Discover now