The court case

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This chapter is dedicated to @daisyluvs1D because she gave me the idea for this chapter! Thanks again Daisy!:)


Ammie's pov:

It has been a week since the whole kidnapping thing. Today is the day of the court hearing, we're going to the crown court in London. Me, Justin and Jennifer are going to have to give a detailed account of what happened in front of a jury.

"Ammie, let's go the limo's waiting outside." Liam said as he fixed his suit, I don't see the point of dressing up all formal, but I guess I have to. Natalie is going to be there, it's her word against all three of us. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a barrister. Me, Justin, Jennifer and Natalie all have barristers.

We arrived at the court to find outside swarming with many news reporters and papparatzi.

We ran inside and made our way to the courtroom, we were all just talking when the jury came in.

"Order, please rise." They said as the judge came in and made his way to the stand. He was wearing the grey curly wig. (AN: Fun fact, my law teacher told me today that those wigs cost at least £1,500:O)

"Now first to give their witness testimony is Ammie Payne."

I made my way to the stand and Liam gave me a 'good luck' look. Now I'm ready to be bombarded with questions.

Natalie's barrister made their way up to the stand.

Before I started I had to recite the truth plede.

"Now, did you or did you not punch my client in the face." He said.

"I did, but it was for self-defence. She pointed a gun at me! What was I supposed to do? Let her shoot me or my friends?" I said.

"Objection!" Natalie shouted.

"Overruled." The judge said banging his gavel to the table.

"You hit my client with full knowledge of your own team backing you up therefore it can be argued your honour that Miss Payne did cause my client actual bodily harm with a broken nose but not for self defence."

Crap, she could afford a good barrister.

I gave my statement along with Jennifer and Justin.

"Your honour, I say this in front of you, all these witnesses and the jury that my client hasn't done anything wrong! As you know in section fifty six of the Offence Against the Person's Act eighteen sixty one it states that kidnapping children fourteen or below is a criminal offence and is a serious offence." My barrister said. Powned!

"Natalie Williams, did you or did you not kidnap these three kids and threaten to kill them, bearing in mind you had a restraining order against you by Mr Niall James Horan."

"I wouldn't say kidnap as such, yeah I did but erm." She said and I could see her trying to make up a lie.

"Just answer the question!"

"She pointed a knife at me!" She screamed.


"I did not that's a whole load of sh-".

"Order, this is a court case not a playground!" The judge shouted as he banged is gavel again. I swear if he keeps doing that the gavel, along with him, would be thrown out the window by me!

"Rubbish.' I said as I changed the last word.

There was silence. Then I heard a crunch, sounded like someone eating.

I looked in the audience and saw Louis eating crisps.

"Put those away, this is a court case not a food court!" The judge said. Wow no banging of the gavel. Right on que he banged his gavel on the table.

Louis was about to get up but got pushed back down by Harry and Liam who gave him death glares and a smack on the back of the head.

"Right, let's continue." The judge said.

"Your honour let's not forget that she punched Miss Payne in the stomach, therefore she should be held liable for the kidnapping and the act of violence, furthermore she also commited an assault as my client feared immediate unlawful force would be used against her which was the gun being pointed at her, in conclusion, the causing of the ABH was necessary." Wow Liam hired an amazing barrister!

"Your honour my client should get a lower sentence as even though she is a defendant she was also a victim to ABH at one point."

"A five minute adjournment would take place now while the jury decide." The judge said.

I met up with everyone else.

"This is a close call. I'm going to be honest, Natalie's barrister knows what he's doing." Liam said.

"So does ours!" Justin said.

The judge then came back and sat down, we all hurried back to where we were.

"Have the jury come to a decision?" The judge asked.

"We have your honour." They replied.

"And the verdict is?"

Oh my god! How long does it take to clarify if that person is guilty or not, I swear they're acting like it's rocket science! Guilty or not guilty that is the question! Not how do you calculate the suns flipping mass!

By now everyone was staring at me. I think I said that out loud...

"Now, if I may continue." She said glaring at me.

"The assault occasioning actual bodily harm against Miss Williams, we hereby declare that Miss Payne is not guilty as she did in fact act as self defence."

I relaxed a bit, knowing I wasn't going to get charged.

"However, because Miss Payne did inflict violence, Miss Williams is guilty but her sentence will be decreased."

"Natalie Williams, you are here by sentenced to a six month custodial sentence. Dismissed."

I made my out out to be greeted by everyone.

"I don't think that's enough!" Niall said.

"Yeah, that was horrible, they made me throw my crisps away."

"At least she's behind bars now and to be honest we should be glad that I didn't get charged with anything." I said.

"But only for six months, her barrister was pretty good though. Come on, let's go." Liam said, swinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Ice cream anyone?" I said as we made our way to the ice cream shop.

All well that ends well. That psychopath got everything she deserved.


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