D & P Chapter 7

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It was prom night, I got my gown ready, it was my grandmother's gown before. It looked lovely, it had crystals around its waistline, it had a white color, that made it pure and clean. The length of the gown was up to my feet, and the back was even longer, it almost looks like a wedding gown, and it was really beautiful.

My mom was really happy that I was going to prom, and she said I was growing up fast, " Dear... who will be your date for tonight? "

I looked at her and grabbed her hands, " Its my friend, Alexandre; Don't get too emotional mom, its not like I'm getting married. "

She looked at me and hugged me, her voice was weak, " Yes, I know. Goodluck dear, I think he's here. "


" Now go up, its how girls do that! " She pushed me up as she went to the door and opened it.

" Ah. Good evening Mrs. Samuro, I am here for your daughter. " He said in a gentle tone, as he looked upstairs, I went down.


I looked upstairs, and there I saw her; Yuuki Samuro, she just looked... amazing, like a goddess, she looked her best tonight, like I never seen her before, I felt like my heart was beating so fast, she was walking down the stairs, and she wore a white gown, like she was getting married. As she reached me, I held out my arm as she grabbed it, her cheeks flushed and we said goodbye to her mother then left.

She was quiet through the whole ride, as I decided to break the silence, " You look beautiful tonight. "

Yuuki snapped out of it and looked to me, " T-Thanks... you look nice. "

I smiled back at her, then she just smiled back. It was one hell of a perfect smile.


I was looking at every spot of the whole room but no sign of Yuuki was found. After all that searching, there she was; She looked, amazing, she wore her grandma's old gown, even if it was old, it suited her very well, she looked her best tonight. The problem is, she was holding that stupid Alexandre's hand! It kinda made me jealous- Okay, maybe more than just a little, but thats not the point!

Yuuki approached me with a happy look on her face, " So Reizo? What do you think? "

My heart skipped a beat as I saw her up close, " Y-You look.... great... beautiful. "

Alexandre put his arm around her waist and pulled her close, " My date's just beautiful, right? "

I felt the need to punch him hard on the face right now, but not infront of Yuuki, " Yes. She does. " I tried to hide the irritation.

" Anyway! Let's all dance! " Turai appeared out of nowhere and pushed me along the side,

The singers sang romantic songs, as others where dancing, I was just at a table, with a glass of wine, scanning Yuuki and Alexandre. It seems that they are enjoying themselves, which I really get pissed off. Since I didn't plan on getting a date, I was just observing both of them, as well as the others. After a while, Yuuki and Alexandre went out to the balcony, I followed them there and hid.


I sat on a bench as I was gazing at the little fountain, until Alexandre started, " Yuuki... "

I turned my attention back to him, tilted my head, " What is it Alexandre? "

He held my hand, and I felt my cheeks flush, he smiled at me and said, " Why don't you come with me to London? "

" WHAT?! " I heard a soft yell coming from the plants, I turned my attention to it, but Alexandre held my chin and faced it to his face.

" A-Alexandre?! " I blushed hard as I tried to move away, but he was holding my chin along with my waist.

" Please... don't pay attention to that just now... answer me. " He said, with his eyes looking directly at mine.

" Uh... " I said, he just sighed and pulled me towards him slowly, as we were like about to kiss, but...

Reizo jumped out from the bushes looking mad-- actually more than that, " DON'T YOU DARE. "

" Hm? " Alexandre and I both stared at him, while Alexandre was looking irritated, " ... or else? "

" OR ELSE? HAHA. " Reizo glared at Alexandre, and his face looking furious, it was scary... the first time I saw him like this, " YOURE DEAD. "

Alexandre stood up, his fists ready for impact, his eyes, also scary. I backed out, and told them to just forget it, but they were too idiotic, good thing Turai came in along with Reizo's companion. They held Reizo back as I pulled Alexandre away, Turai followed us back also. I jeard that Reizo had also calmed down, so its time to confront him.

I went by the rose garden outside, there I saw Reizo, sitting alone by the fountain, " Reizo... "

He quickly looked at me and turned away again, " Sorry for acting like a idiot back there. "

I walked to Reizo and smiled, " Its fine, don't you ever act that way again. " I sat beside him, and he held me close, I felt my face blush.

" R-Reizo? " My eyes widen of surprise, he was holding me tight by my shoulder, but he wasn't facing me.

" I know this is a little bit awkward, but let us stay this way for a while... " his voice trailed off, I grabbed his face with both my hands and faced him.

" I know you're angry about earlier, so let's forget it, okay? " I smiled, and Reizo smiled back, he held my waist as his face went closer to me...

My eyes widen, " R-R-Reizo?! " I blushed hard as I held his arms to stop him from getting any closer.

He faced his mouth to my ear, " I'll do this at a right time. " then he left, I was just staring at him leave, wondering what happened.



Oh no! Is Yuuki falling for Reizo? Or is it Alexandre?
>> Next chapter, D & P Chapter 8!!

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