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it's been a while...

all those times we shared have turned into dust only for my brain to be the only one to remember them, pick up on small pieces, mourn the tragedy that was you leaving me like a shredded paper that had nothing else to do or be worthy for in its owner's hands... hm, i was no object, though


i can still hear your voice calling out to me

"snap out of it!" 

he flinched, eyes shining  upon the redhead's petite silhouette, "s-sorry, Chae" his veins were notorious, head hanging low, remorse and pity yet again taking over his senses

"these happen more often than i expected them to, are you sure everything's alright? i mean, Jiwoo--"

"no, it has nothing to do with her, i'm tired, Taehyung and Yoongi had the decency to keep me around them as a third wheel last night until they fell asleep" his plump lips reached for the straw that he mixed the cold beverage with every few minutes, its contents a gratifying amount of lemon juice, brown sugar and ice, mining the glass all the way up, only to be almost empty if it wasn't for the boy's constant dropouts from the real world, "what were we talking about?"

the hazel eyes Jimin avoided crystallized, apparent dread oozing out of them, but she was quick to hide it the moment a familiar - and sweet cologne - met with her nostrils, inhaling everything in one go, fondly looking at Namjoon, the latter returning the warm welcoming through a toothy, and eye-smiling expression, "Namo! it's wonderful that you're here, brought what i asked for with you?"

the confusion in Namjoon's eyes was obvious even from miles away, anybody able to take notice, only if their nature were of those you'd call 'nosy', per say, "t-the.. i thought we'd keep it a secret" his hands were now flying about, questioning the woman's behavior, she, either way, ignored it, now standing and attempting to leave the place, "Chaeyoung!", his feet were quick to follow, Jimin becoming a copycat, trotting and as curious as the taller figure excluding him from peeking at the redhead

"what's wrong?"

if it wasn't for his low, delicate voice - recognizable even in other continents - Namjoon's worries would have maintained an average level, but soon enough, his palpitations flew through and over the roof, sweat dripping, hands sticky, aware of the confidence the rather smaller teen had in him would vanish as quick as the present moment began in one tune, and ended in another, "Jimin, you're here!" he exclaimed, stopping the boy from continuing any further, their main objective now gone, "uh, she's fine, something must have came up i'm sure", his tries were fruitless, praying for a miracle that would never happen

"that was nothing close to fine, biggie , i can see through your lies, what kind of weakness is that by the way", currently, Namjoon was glad that Jimin had forgotten about anything, laughing and trying to convince the boy to never. leave. the cafe.,

"i don't know either, let's just sit back and wait? she'll be back"

"no, she's my little girl" shoulders tense, eyes filled with infuriating curiosity, "anything that happens to her happens to me" his hand pushed the taller man out of the way, wantonly, aiming for the entrance - which at the same time served as the exit - only for a cold, unforgiving and murderous breeze to hit him frontally, eyes shut over the impact, later were wide open and his mouth hung agape over the scene displaying a few feet away, or rather, across the street, from him

"...i'm sorry, Jimin" squeezing his right shoulder tightly, Namjoon's presence then became almost non existent, fading with every heavy step he took away from everyone, but not before shouting-and wishing the younger boy a happy, belated birthday, one of the best gifts he could have ever received now standing right in front of him, smiling, cheeks tinted a light pink,


"hey there, king, nice to see you after... so long"

the redhead that kept quiet behind the two main characters in this fairy decorated story, spoke at last, "we planned this for you prior to her arrival, she asked us to keep quiet until Thursday although your birthday had already gone by, but here, happy birthday from Jiwoo, Namjoon and... myself" she didn't mean for her voice to crack during her speech, but the knots and pain that grew inside opaqued everything she fought for, even the boy that now held the blonde haired woman's body close to his, crying into her neck, muffled 'i missed you's' and 'why's?' slowly hopping into Chaeyoung's ears

"you!", now that Jiwoo was not the center of attention, Jimin moved on to hug the girl he had previously worried about, thanking her, the latter replying to him with nods and small flat-lined lips, not even a smile she could wear, "i love you, princess"

"m-me too, sorry, too much affection for today" sniffling a little to suppress the upcoming tears, she swayed back and forth, waving goodbye to the primary figures, and taking a swift 90° turn to then walk down the dim street, a tear she had been retaining for the longest time now, rolling down her cheek, to then land on the pavement,

be happy, and take care of him for me i beg of you, Jiwoo


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