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10:23 AM [next day]

Mrs. Kim had already woken up before anybody else, she kept in mind what Taehyung mentioned last night about his flee from the meeting with friends, which caused her to stand tall right beside the boy's bed, tapping on his shoulder lightly

"darling, it's time"

he didn't dare to move an inch, the sheets tangled around his torso and legs, pillows on top of his head and half of his body near the edge of the bed, with one small push he'd be a part of the floor, but his mother wasn't that eager to know what happened to him the day prior to this moment, she tried again, and again, and again but nothing emerged from Taehyung

"tch.. fine, i'll set up an alarm for you" she swiftly picked up her own device from her sweater's right pocket and prepared a surprise for the sleepyhead, who soon would definitely be overjoyed with the tune that Mrs. Kim chose for his awakening "sleep tight babe, for now" she hopped her way out of the boy's room, closing the door rather hard to see if any reaction came from him but to no avail, he was gone


"Jimin, you need to stop with this mourning, it won't help you by any means, just go to his house?"

although the twins tried their best at being some type of comfort for Taehyung's friend, he just couldn't get over the fact that the boy was indeed betrayed by the only person he trusted, and it became an unbearable thought for him

"they just needed closure but i forced them, that wasn't the plan at all okay? i'm stupid, i deserve this" Jimin kept ripping apart little pieces of paper that were resting on his bedroom's desktop, he had used them to write down important yet small details at school, just about anything he'd have to remember that could fly over his head, but now that the phase is over and he's ready to make and take bigger steps into adulthood, they looked worthless and useless, so what better way to release his sulking state than to rip them apart? "i miss him, i tried so hard for the two of us to get along, we were doing great, he opened up to me at last, and i did the same, but here goes my small, idiotic ass planning ahead of him and Hoseok and look at the results" he smiled rather sarcastically, hands flailing about to try and get to the main point, soon after rolling his eyes and continuing with the torture of the small paper sheets

"if my brother can't help, maybe i can" the quietest twin, who would never dare to even hum or squeak, spoke "i've been keeping things to myself too much lately, and this situation does not do much for me at all so, what about.. hooking Taehyung up? you know, become his wingman" her fair skin shone brightly over the small hints of sun rays passing through the small gape Jimin's curtains made, a view almost too angelic at this point "i'm sure Hoseok is more than over with the thought of his ex, Taehyung though, he's still too into him, it'd be risky, but smart, he deserves something else, a person willing to place him on a pedestal instead of using him as a mat to wipe the soles of their shoes with, get what i'm trying to say?"

her brother was astonished, but at the same time glad, she was never too talkative, yet one thing led to another and here goes the girl, shooting advice and suggestions like her life depends on it "i guess..." he directed himself towards Jimin "that'd be fine, Taehyung's a bit introverted but if you get to hook him up with the right person, i am sure they'll grow on him and vice versa" Jimin's eyes went from one twin to the other on repeat, wandering internally "come on, you have to know someone, you're the biggest social butterfly on this planet"

they were not wrong, yet they were not right either, it was a 50/50 situation, it'd make Taehyung more mad than ever since it might happen without his concern, yet it'd help him overcome Hoseok and enter a new spiralled world, but for the decision to land on his shoulders was more than just enough "i don't know... he--he hates me" and at last, he broke down

"again? goodness gracious, control yourself"



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