Important Info

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Hi! So, there are 3 character reviewers working on this, and we each review a little differently:

Miaow0: I review things really harshly, and will tell you the absolute truth about your O.C.'s level of Mary Sue-ness, no matter how horrible.

Ashley: I'm a lot nicer than SOME people when it comes to reviews. I consider both the good and the bad things about your character, and I'm a lot more careful with the way I word things.

karebear_wu : (She's too busy right now to write her part, but she'll change it when she gets a chance, but she's basically too nice and goes fairly easy on people)

When you fill in the form on the next page make sure to mention which one of us you want to be your reviewer. You can also PM Miaow0's account if you want a review from her or me (Ashley). DO NOT PM karebear_wu

Btw Ashley is using my account (Miaow0) for now because she forgot her password to both her Wattpad account, and her gmail, and she is too lazy to fix it.

If your OC happens to be from a fandom then you are probably in luck. Between the 3 of us there is quite a collection of fandom knowledge. We will list the ones we know well enough to review an O.C. For down below. Keep in mind that we are human beings and forget things, so it never hurts to ask us if one of us is part of a fandom that is not listed below.

Very knowledgeable about:
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Lord of the Ring
Hunger Games
Mortal instruments
Maze Runner
Sherlock (Elementary, Sherlock, the RDJ movie, and the books)
Buffy (and Angel)
Once Upon A Time
Criminal Minds
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Jurassic Park series
Avatar the Last Airbender

Kind of knowledgeable about:
Adventure Time
Gravity Falls
Fullmetal Alchemist
Death Note
My Little Pony

We will critique a character from any fandom, but it will be more thorough if it is from one of the above. O.C.'s from original universes are super great as well, but if so please include some background info on what is normal, otherwise we'll just assume they're a human from this Earth.

The form is on the next page.

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