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Emma gaped at the whirl of red, curly hair that shot through the glimmering light of a Portal, in the exact spot Annabel Blackthorn had been and had vanished inside the black shadow sent for her. Clary was followed instantaneously by Jace, who, at Clary's shouted command, had run directly to the Inquisitor. Stunned , Emma stepped back, Cortana dipping in her hand, and was caught off guard by Clary jerking her back toward Julian, who was still begging, his voice a terrible rasp, for Livia to look at him.
Clary yanked Emma to her knees beside Julian, ripping her stele and Julian's hand away from Livvy's face in the same movement. She began to draw, putting Emma's hand under Julian's on the stele and drawing quickly.

The parabatai only iratze spiraled out of the tip of her stele, Clary's concentration dedicated to making sure it was perfect. 

Julian's eyes lifted from his sister's face as her chest heaved, going to Clary for the first time, eyes huge with awe and fear. "Clary... how?"

Clary finished the rune and waited, but Livvy's eyes remained shut, and the only sign of life was her body, lifting and falling with her breath. "It's been too long, Julian.  You'll have to find Annabel and use the same method Malcolm did to bring her fully back, but Jace and Alec should have no trouble with Robert. I was never here, and neither was Jace. We have to get back into Faerie, and if we're caught here, our mission fails, and we can't have that. Simon will have felt me pull strength to make this," She pointed at the iratze, still glowing white-hot on Livvy's chest, " and will show, searching for me. One of you send a message to him, before heading to retrieve Annabel.  Go back to the LA Institute, and don't waste any time getting Livvy there. Find the place you think her soul will be, and put her there. The spell won't work unless you do that."

Emma grabbed her arm. " What do you mean, the same way Malcolm did? We can't leave! There's no Portal to Los Angeles! 
Annoyed, Clary shook her off. " I'm making you one, before Jace and I return to Faerie.  It will be behind Diana's Arrow. It will last until you and the Blackthorns go through, and then it will seal behind. Get there as fast as you can, Julian.  Take everyone.  The Clave will not follow until the Cohort is back under control,  and Robert should make that happen, if..."
Julian's eyes had hardened,  and he nodded. " Go, then, if you can't be noticed. Jace and Alec are done."

Clary leaned forward and kissed Livia on her forehead. "Hold on, Livvy," She whispered,  before shooting to her feet and racing for Jace, her stele extended. Jace caught her hand, then they went through,  the only people having seen them Alec, Robert, Emma, Julian,  and Jia Penhallow. 

Jia looked at Emma, before deliberately turning her back on her, Julian,  and Livia's breathing, but empty, body, and Emma felt a rush of gratitude for the older woman. This was Jia's permission, her plausible deniablity, and Emma knew it would cost her.

She stood, just as Drusilla reached Julian and Livvy,  her eyes wide with rage and wonder. "Julian... is she.."

Julian lifted a hand to his baby sister's arm, still holding a bloody seraph blade. " We can get her back." The determination in his voice sent alarm bells pealing in Emma's head. No. I want Livvy back too. And if I have to murder Annabel Blackthorn over her limp body, I will, and do so with  joy in my heart. If it means Julian and I are removed from the Clave, so be it.  "Dru. Go get Ty and Kit, and lead them to the alley behind Diana's Arrow.  You know where that is, right?"

Dru nodded. "Okay." And in that moment,  she was no longer the terrifying avenging angel, but a rounded girl, too young to be in armor and bearing the weight of the bloodied sword, dangling from her hand,the drops of Cohort blood sliding down the edge of the adamas, making irregular splotches on the floor. Emma's heart squeezed in her, and she barked, with more harshness than she meant, "Go, Drusilla!

Dru seemed to fill with that otherworldly light, and Emma watched in wonder. This girl was Shadowhunter, through and through.

She whirled and her blades came up, and Emma could have sworn the shadow of great wings flared out from her shoulders.  Emma blinked. Wings?

But when she looked again, Drusilla was halfway to Kit and Ty, and there was no way to see through the closing mob behind her.

Emma bent and hoisted Julian under one shoulder.  "Come in, Jules. We have to go."

Julian knelt up and slid both arms under Livia, picking her up cradle fashion,  and stood, his eyes meeting Emma's. "Emma. If we go, there will be no hope of remaining Shadowhunters."

Emma swallowed, looking down, away from those beautiful eyes, then squared her shoulders. "Julian..." she met his eyes, and Julian's glowed with something wonderful as she said, "Jule- Julian, there are more important things to be than Shadowhunters. I can be more for you, for Livvy, for all your children, and whatever else I may be, I am beloved by your family. I will not turn my back from you."

Together, they made for the doors off the dias, Emma with Cortana held before them, her eyes daring anyone to halt their progress.

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