ROBLOX: Hacks & Scams

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Now that you made your account, you should know it might get hacked or scammed.

Hackers will more likely hack your account if you have robux. (That will be in the next chapter)

There are many ways a person can hack your account. There are fake-hackers who scam and lie. I've bumped in to many fakes.

They will most likely say, "I'm gonna hack you!" if you get in an argument with them. It has happened to me.


I saw a youtube video about how you get hacked and scammed, and it talked about not adding anyone's email that you don't know! I can't remember the video.

Only add your email or your parent(s) email. Add the email as soon as possible, because then if you get hacked, you can change your password. 

Also, avoid the "hackers" on ROBLOX. They can get annoying.

And, don't anger a lot of people, you never know if you bumped into a real hacker!

Did this help at all?

GalacticMidnightOwl =^•^=

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