"Born Givers"

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A poem or short story by Daniel Bailey (aka) the Danman258

                "Born Givers"

     I was raised in a time when large families were popular, and had many comforts and yet it's dislikes. For all the machinery and smart stuff of today were merely done by children of yesterday.

     Back in that day, when my mother wanted to send a text, she wrote it down handed it to me; I ran across the field and delivered it. I received cookies and milk, homemade at that, got her reply and ran back across the field.

     Today's kids would probably spit on the ideal of running across a field. And of all the chores and all the kids in my family, the one thing I remember the most, is the different characters that came from my mother and father. Snow White would not be able to sleep, no matter how many apples she ate.

      The good thing about being around so many attitudes is you learn diplomacy, and how to tactfully reach goals with different kinds of people right in your own home. Can't get that on line, or can you?

     But there was one character that as children we did not see or understand even though it was around us every day. It was the givers spirit, my mother had it, and we didn't learn of it till we were grown and out of the house. The old would say it was a gift from God, we her own children first understood on a Christmas long ago and I think there were only three children living under my mother’s care.

     My sister called me and asked if I could use my company’s phone line to have a family phone conference.  I assured her there would be no problem and we made the meeting for a week later.

     We all showed up and go straight to business. What are we going to do about Christmas and how wonderful can we make it for mom and dad? 10 girls and 8 boys and believe me it was staged to be argumentative, for all the boys wanted was to say how much.

     Well, without getting into all the hoopla, we sent our mother and father on a weekend trip and while they were gone my sisters replaced the old furniture with new. All my fathers, I'll get to that later, were done by some company.

    So when they came back from their trip they walked into, as my mother said, some bodies’ else’s nightmare. My mother never told my sisters about her feelings but told me to never let them waste money like that again.

    My mother let that stuff stay in the house till New Years and then gave it all away. Then had me take her to a used store and replaced everything with maybe $600.00. And that's when I first started watching my mother's gift of giving.

    And as I watched her I learned to see others, like Mandela, who never stopped giving his life even too his death. Sister Teresa; who was known as a true giver with the Catholic Church, and just the other day a man put $100.00 bills in the pockets of suits he gave away. Is someone in your family a giver, I know I see wattpadders giving love no matter, for love was showed to me.

     They are everywhere not wanting to be seen. Not wanting to be noticed, there need is to give. My grandmother calls them born givers.

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