Chapter 4

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The REAL Chapter 4:

Rain’s P.O.V.


I need a new contract, I think as I go to search for my father. I already searched half the house and by the time I found him, trimming the white roses in Ciel’s garden. “I thought there already was a gardener…” I started, “Finny, Right?” standing behind him while he jumped in surprise.

Seeing me he calmed and said, “Indeed there is” He sighed, “He is packing go on a trip” I nodded and this knowing what he meant. It appears that the Queen’s Guard Dog is sinking its teeth into no prey ,I think in joy. This joy is short lived however, as a sharp searing pain comes from my left wing.

“Father,”I begin sheepishly,making his eyes go wide, “Would you please check my left wing?” I shake my shoulders, “It is paining me for some peculiar reason.” At the end of my plea, the pain flared up once more as if to punctuate my words.


“My young master should not see your wings,” He sighed, “We will have to go somewhere…” He trailed off, “Do you have a place in mind, Rain?”

I smiled and took a silvery key out of my thigh sheath. I walk over to the back door and inserted the key. It was made of owl silver and had my contract symbol, the theta delta on the top. I slightly turned it in the lock, hearing a familiar sizzling coming from the door. I pulled it open slowly. Giving the dimensional door time to stabilize I soon could see the infinite rows of doors that signified every dimension. Sebastian gasped at what he is seeing, causing me to let out a slight giggle, “I thought we could go to my house” I say as I grab his hand and pull us towards the shimmering door.

“How many people live here?” He asked, in awe.

“Just me and Cheshire,” I reply, just as I finish Cheshire jumps out of my purse and starts to grow. Soon he is full size  and is walking beside me. As we reach the door he runs ahead to open it. He even holds it open for Sebastian, which is odd because he usually has negative feelings towards other men. I twirled and spread my midnight black wings and flapped them twice waiting for pain. It never came. Realizing this I turn to see my father quickly going through my feathers until he hand jerked back. I gave a sudden yelp of pain as he brought forth a feather. “What was that for?!” I ask, trying to reach my wings.

“This feather was pushing itself into your skin, slicing a nerve,” he explained, handing me the black feather now tipped with my scarlet blood. Slowly taking it I walk over to my pile of wires and carefully pierced the feather’s tip and pulled the wire halfway through. I started twisting it until it turned into a vine like texture and look. Done with that I added a clip and placed it in my bag. I turned to see Sebastian looking at me worried. “Why did you do that?” he asked in a worried fatherly tone.

I looked at him, shocked, “I need to make a contract for a new helper or soul, as you call them,” I answered. He looked petrified. Almost as if he never expected me to eat a human’s soul. “Well I am half demon,” I sashayed over to the door and started to shift. I’ll scare him as an animal. I thought. My griffon (owl) form snatched my father as Cheshire climbed on my bag. I flapped my colossal wings and raced through the air. As I approached the door, I started to shift again. Halfway through the shift I dropped Sebastian and Cheshire shrank. I throw the door open and drag my father through. I barely made it to the garden in time where I saw my sister crying in the rose bushes.

A/N: Hey! sorry it took so long. This chapter was a little confusing but hopefully it will be explained later! Chapter 5 will be posted sometime within the next week or so! This ends when Raining Willow meets Nix in the garden after she receives the "note" Oh and If you're lost this is taking place before and in the beginning of Season:1 Episode:7, The two pictures are: Rain's Contract symbol (theta Delta) And the two girls below are Nix (green) and Rain (blue) I make them on and There will be roughly one per episode (every 2-3 chapters)


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