Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Raining Willow's P.O.V.

The soft black light of my necklace woke me from a deep sleep. It was around midnight. It's glow reminded me of the other world. The one I was born in. I'm coming sister dearest.

I create a dimensional door. It's fairly simple for me because I live on the edge of the Owl Dimension and I'm near a rift, making it easier to travel between worlds. I run through the rows of doors until I find the one that has "Earth 1" written above it in. Spreading my black wings I jumped through the door. Flapping, I reached to close the door but, I am stopped by the screeching of my cat Neko, Cheshire, who jumps into my purse. Thick-headed spirit thats what he is, I sighed as I turn and close the door. The afternoon sky is a beautiful blue as I fly towards my sister. Banking slightly to the left, the graveyard came into view. I saw a slender figure sitting on a gravestone with tears pouring down her cheeks, Nix. I slowly descended and perched on a nearby marker. "Nix?" I asked while giving her a hug, "What's wrong?"

"Our mother was murdered by Jack the Ripper..." She glared, "I think I will reside at the Phantomhive Manor for the time being.Since I have nowhere to go." The tears slowed,

" Aunt Rachel's son? "

"Yes, and I was wondering if you will join me Rain."

I took a step back. Why ask me? I hate this world.

"I will come with you, but I must request that I go through this world and my own."

"Thats fine you have your own duties." she bowed her head and smiled weakly.

My kindness will be the end of me. We ran to the Manor. Nix slowly knocked on the door looking worried. After a few moments a raven haired crow demon answered the door. Beside him was a moody 12 year old in a blue suit complaining behind him.

" Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor," he bowed, " Hello again Nix." he smiled at my sister, "Please do state your business." His eyes had a red tinge to them, giving him a demonic outlook.

" We request to speak to Earl Phantomhive about the passing of his Aunt Katherine." I ask so very politely. It is a good thing I masked my own aura so he couldn't tell that I am half-demon.

" Aunt?" The boy behind him came round. The butler looked at me, startled then turned to his master.

He bowed again, " My Lord, these are your father's sister, Katherine's daughters." He swept his hand toward us, "Nix and I'm sorry miss I didn't catch your name?"

"Rain, Raining Willow."

"Oh alright than if you have everything under control,Sebastian, lead them to their rooms." He sighed, " we will discuss this further at dinner."

"Follow me Miss Nix, Miss Rain" Sebastian led us up the stairs.

" If you please I would rather you call me Raining Willow. And the only reason I am here is because Nix asked and I think I should help her get through the grief." I turned to Nix and smiled slowly. The butler kept walking , It seemed endless. I sigh, Stupid Bloody Demon. I look through my purse for Cheshire the tiny neko seemed to take a notice to my search for him and climbed onto my shoulder. His tiny grey-tipped ears flicked back and forth while he rubbed his face against my ear and let out a pur. His tail began to twitch as we passed two servants dressed like mice.

"Please excuse them, they are trying to catch a cat." he said curtly while smiling at Nix. His eyes began to change, from red to a bright fuchsia.

"Who gave you the name Raining Willow?" he inquired in a worried tone.

" father, I never met him though." I spoke without emotion. I don't care who my father is, he obviously never cared about me.

"You never met him because as soon as you were old enough you left." Nix snapped, " I remember mother saying he tried to find you once or twice." Cheshire turned and bared his teeny fangs. Lovely loyal Cheshire. I stroke his head to calm him.

"Not my fault that my dimension is more peaceful than this one." I shot back. "Besides he never even left me a picture. The only thing I received was a note saying The crow is watching."

"What does that even mean?" Nix asked surprised and bared her own fangs at Cheshire. Not now sister. Don't want to frighten the demon butler.

Sebastian turned, "Raining Willow what is your surname?" he asked speaking my name ever so quietly. The sadness in his voice was was evident even to the servants, both looked up in shock.

"My full name is Raining Willow Michaelis, happy now butler?" I retort my wings almost being released and sliding through the slits in the back of my red dress. A collective gasp responded through the hall as the servants stared wide-eyed at me in shock. Even Sebastian was in shock and at a lack for words. Maybe he knows my father. I thought smugly but not letting it show. Quickly Sebastian dragged us down the hall and we soon came to a door. He swiftly allowed Nix in with a smile and slammed the door before I could follow.

"I'm am terribly sorry" He glanced down at me. The sadness in his eyes made my own become watery. My vision blurred, "Why?" I murmured, the tears threatening to break through my emotional wall.

"I'm sorry for not being there when you and your mother needed me, I'm even sorry I wasn't there for your sister either, and Lastly" he paused, " Happy birthday"

His words brought a torrent of tears that I had been holding since my third birthday. Tears about my 'Father', about Cheshire's death and now the passing of my mother. Sniffling I wiped my tears and stared up at him, "How do you know today is my birthday?" the question escaped my lips before I realized who I was speaking too.

"Quickly, follow me," he ushered me into the next room, " Before your sister becomes worried what has become of you." He smiled and bid me goodbye and as I walk through the door, a smile decorates my face.

A/N: Cassie wrote this part and I typed it up and edited it! Hope you like it! Vote and Comment! xoxo

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