2. John

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"eat caramel chocolate!" said eFFieTrinket as she shoved chocolate up my nose.

It tickled.

"JOHN! JOHN WHERE ARE YOU?"  cried the one and only Miss Aston.

"He fell down the garbage chute!" I repied. Miss Aston then proceded to fall over a chair in a drunken fashion.

We played Pivot Man. Then we looked at my e-Time capsule. The background didn't work. I was sad. *sniff* 

I gave Mrs Shipman a round of appluase,because she was carrying her own plate. I was amazed, because Izaak was hitting on her rubber duck, even though it is way out of his league. I got an adrenaline rush, because I was wearing soft tights. i accidentally blew a rasperry at the drugged up librarian.

The End

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