Nerd With A Secret - PeasantIShipLarry

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Nerd With A Secret by PeasantIShipLarry

Also writer of the famous He Sings. He Spies.

Harry Styles is a nerd that everybody ignores and bullies but he doesn't care. He lives with it because he has a secret and no, his secret isn't that he is gay. He's very open about that. No, he has another secret, one that he would never tell anybody because if he did, his life would no longer be normal. His plan is working until the new boy Louis Tomlinson gets involved. What happens when he becomes suspicious. Will Harry's secret be revealed? What happens when feelings start to evolve?



It would seriously be a crime against the world of Larry fan-fiction if I didn't include this story! 

This is another one of my favourites cause it's the perfect Larry/Larcel story! The plot is much more unique then most Larry/Larcel, it isn't the typical, 'Marcel falls for the bad boy' cliches.

Through out the entire story I was thinking, 'Harry is definitely going to tell Lou in this chapter!' but being wrong most of the time, and that's what I loved about it! It wasn't too rushed or too slow.

There's not much else to say really other than 'it's so fabulouis! extrodinharry!' etc. but I'm not going to do that cause its not professional *puts on smart looking glasses*


Payton xox

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