Chapter 9

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Can you save me?

me and Todd didn't have our usually 3:00am conversation together last night but he can't see me like this.
I pull myself out of bed and look in the mirror my body is covered in bruises and the bottom left side of my face is bruised, I put my hand over my mouth to stop the loud sobs from escaping my throat.

My phone begins to ring, it's Jack. I'm worried if I ignore it he'll do worse so I answer the phone.

M: Jack
J: Madi baby listen to me, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you baby, you know how I get and I know you can't be mad at me
M: I know...
J: I'm coming over today baby

He hung up before I could say no, he knows he can walk all over me and I won't stop him. He's got me wrapped around his finger and no matter what I can't stop loving him.

I decide to throw on a baggy sweater and sweatpants to cover most of the bruises, except the ones on my neck and face. Jack soon comes in my room and sits next to me on my bed, I can't look at him, I'm scared

"Madeline, look at me" he says grabbing my chin and turning my face towards him
I slowly remove his hand and my eyes meet his, tears flow from my eyes.
"Madi baby, don't cry" he says grabbing my hands

"Don't" I say pulling my hands away from him, my heartaches because I love him so bad that I look over the damage he's done

"Fuck Madi, what do you want me to do?" He stands up pulling me up with him, I look at him and I see the anger in his eyes

"Y-you can't do anything, you can't take back what you did" I utter trying not to cry any louder

"Then I'm done with this, we're over Madeline. You never gave me what I wanted and you were a complete waste of my time." He says coldly before storming out of the house

I stood there stone cold, not moving, not speaking, not crying. I was numb until a familiar voice calls my name and I turn my head towards the door. It's Todd, my eyes well with tears as I look at him.

"Mads" he says running towards me and engulfing me in a hug, he then lifts me up and brings me over to my bed. I'm curled up in his lap with his arms around me. "Madeline look at me"

I look up at him and watch as his eyes scan the bruises, the hurt in his eyes feels like 100 knives stabbing me in the stomach. I nuzzle my head against his chest and feel his breath start to shake, I pull back to look at his and his eyes were full of tears.

"Mads I-I-I'm so sorry I let him do this to you" he says squeezing my arms tighter making me flick from the pain of the bruises "are there more bruises Madeline?"

I look up at him him and nod pulling up my sleeve to reveal my bruise covered arms.. then everything went black.

Shorter chapter but updating later tonight!
Thanks for all the reads & support, it means a lot to me<3
Hope you enjoyed!!! Xoxo

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