Chapter 5

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Wakiya's POV

I let Rockruff out of its Pokeball and start rubbing behind his ears. He barks happily and I smile. 

"Wakiya! You smiled!" A female voice says. I look up to see Acerola. 

"No I didn't. Shut up," I reply, "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"I thought that I'd hang out here since we don't have school today," She says to me. I roll my eyes. 

"Well go and hang out with someone else. I'm busy and I don't have time to just sit around and talk," I answer. She frowns and crosses her arms. 

"Fine, maybe I will," She states, walking out of my room. I sigh with relief. Finally some peace and quiet.

"Alola!" Hau yells running into my room. I groan. 

"Hau, can't you just leave me alone? I need some quiet time," I tell him. 

"Sorry," He replies, "I thought that Lillie and I could hang out here for the day and we wanted to say hi." I sit up on my bed straight as Lillie walks in shyly. 

"We can leave if you want us too," Lillie offers. I feel my face heat up. But why? 

"No, you guys can stay here," I say, "It's fine with me." Lillie smiles. Acerola walks back into my room. 

"Oh, so they're allowed to be in here, but I'm not?" She argues. I groan again. 

"Fine, you can stay in here if you want to," I tell her. 

"Yay!" She jumps onto my bed, tackling me. 

"Get off of me!" I yell. She does and I get up off of my bed. She pouts. 

"You're mean," She complains, acting like a little kid. 

"Where are the others? Can't you hang out with them?" I ask Acerola. She shakes her head back and forth.

"They went with Ash, Mallow, Lana, and Kiawe to learn how to battle. Ash said you already learned how, so you'd be fine," She explains. 

"I have an idea of what to do!" Hau exclaims, "Let's go and eat some MALASADAS!" He jumps up and down when we agree to go. Him and Lillie run ahead of Acerola and I. 

"I think that your Rockruff is adorable," She tells me, picking him up and cuddling him. He barks happily. 

"Thanks I guess. What type of Pokemon do you have?" I ask. 

"My Pokemon are all ghost-type Pokemon. I'm the captain of the ghost-type trial after all. Maybe you'll get to take part in my trial sometime," She tells me.

"You're one of the captains from the island challenge?" I ask in disbelief. 

"Yes, but don't be so surprised. I'm a pretty good trainer, you know," She tells me. I laugh. 

"I'm sure you are. Mallow, Lana, and Kiawe are captains too, right?" I question. She nods.

"Yep, they are too. Mallow is the grass-type trial captain, Lana is the water-type trial captain, and Kiawe is the fire-type trial captain. All of their trials take place on Akala Island, but mine is on Ula'ula Island," She explains. I nod as she finishes. By that time, we arrive at the Malasada shop and we order some Malasadas. I get a Spicy Malasada, like Acerola, but Lillie and Hau decide on Sweet Malasadas instead. Hau, of course, gets ten of them, but Lillie only gets one. Hau pays for his and Lillie's. I decide to pay for Acerola since she told me about the trials and such. She smiles when our Malasadas arrive and then immediately takes a large bite out of it. About fifteen seconds later, she yells. 

"Those are hotter than I thought!" I laugh at her as she frantically tries to drink her MooMoo milk to soothe the spiciness. I take a small bite out of mine and smile because of how good it is. Then, I proceed to eat the rest of it. Once I'm finished, Acerola stares at me. 

"What?" I ask. 

"How did you eat all of it? They're so spicy," She tells me. I laugh again and she holds hers out to me. "Here, taste mine and tell me if it's spicier than yours was." I grab her Malasada and take a bite out of it. 

"It tastes exactly the same as mine did," I tell her, "I'll go and get you a Sweet Malasada instead."

"Are you sure? You don't have to," She tells me. I stand up. 

"No, I'm going to buy it for you," I insist. After I order the Malasada, I go back to our table and sit down. I look for Lillie and Hau, but discover that they've left already. Before I can tell Acerola, her Malasada arrives and she quickly takes a bite. 

"This is soooo yummy!" She exclaims. I smile at her warmly and finish off her Spicy Malasada from earlier. Once we're done eating, we leave the shop and stop outside. "Let's go shopping!" She exclaims. 

"Okay," I reply. She drags me to the clothing store, where she insists that I try clothes on. After a while of trying on clothes, I finally buy an outfit consisting of a grey polo shirt, black capris, and grey shoes. Then, we go to the shopping mall and spend about an hour there. Acerola buys a lot of things, but I don't get anything while we're there. The sun is starting to set once we finish shopping, so we stop by the beachfront to watch it go down. Acerola looks over at me and I blush. I didn't realize how great she was until today. 

"You know what Wakiya? I really like you," She tells me. My cheeks heat up, but I chuckle. 

"You're alright," I reply. She gently shoves me and giggles. As we walk back to my house, Acerola points out constellations and I listen to her carefully. Once we arrive at the front door, I say goodnight to her and go inside. Daigo, Shu, Valt, Ken, and Rantaro are all waiting for me. 

"Did you have fun with Acerola?" Rantaro teases me. 

"Shut up. It's not like that," I reply, "We're just friends." 

"Sure," Valt says. I roll my eyes and walk into my room, Rockruff following along behind me. I think about how much fun I had with Acerola and I begin to blush again just thinking about her. 'Maybe I do have feelings for her' I think to myself. 

A/N- I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Don't worry because Wakiya won't get between Lillie and Hau and Lillie won't get between Wakiya and Acerola. If you liked this chapter, please vote and/or comment. Thanks for reading!


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