Authors note

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Hello everyone!!!! im so sorry that i have been so inactive but ive been very busy with work and i just havent had enough time to actully get into writting. This is me apoligizing because you are all waiting for new updates and i just havent had the time or the will to do it but now ive come back and you all have my word that there are going to be many updates coming up. For this book i have 4 updates


Zianourry / Requested

Zouis / requested

Nouis + Harry / Requested

This are all the ones that are going to be doen for this book. i want to thank everyone who offered up the ides and will be getting them soon, also please give me any kind of support for my other books and if you enjoy it, becayuse the more feed back i get from all of you it helps me write more! So please continue to read what i have, and let me know if i should continue please it will let me know if i should continue to write or if i should get rid of it! Again thank you for holding out on me and waiting! I love you all and i hope you all understand


Lilly!~ :) :) :)

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